The Strange Adoption of a Sleepy Dragon

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Guess what!!

Im still in writers block

So this fic came from the depths of my draft pile and im posting it because...i feel like it. And i crave motivation /lhj

Hope you guys enjoy <3

Synopsis: the time that Tommy, the very sleepy dragon, was rescued and adopted by two fae


By now, Tommy should have been used to living in cages.

After all, he had a lot of experience. He'd stayed in luxurious boxes, the inside lined with fur and stray blankets, even a window in the front so he could see the world around him and the interested humans peering into his home with curiosity. He'd dwelled in cardboard at times, clawing stretching lines through the cheap material and receiving angry slaps to the face. He'd even been thrown into cold, barred cages that leeched the warmth from his skin and made him nothing but a shivering mess, growls thrown in his direction and at every attempt to chirp his distress.

All in all, he was a cage expert at this point! He knew so much about them, but whenever he tried to tell others about what a variety of types there were, all he was answered with were stabs with a dull knife and weeks without food. Eventually, he learned it was better not to speak.

He didn't quite understand it, but Tommy figured he didn't need to. In his tiny world, his priorities were sleep, food, and the occasional fuzzy blanket that felt fantastic against his sensitive scales.

With those few necessities, the humans were a mystery he was content to ignore. With his life put into such simplistic categories of necessities, he found thinking, much less talking, to be unneeded.

At least, until the one terrifying day. The day that the world around him burned.

Tommy had been minding his business, growling half-heartedly at a few visiting humans that wandered past his cage. They all gave him matching coos and high-pitched voices, only laughing when he narrowed his eyes and curled against the wall, snout buried underneath his tail. His home was particularly cold today; nothing like his past one, where he'd been suspended in the air in what he heard the people refer to as a "birdcage". No, that cage was situated above a fireplace, plenty of warmth heating the underside of his cage and making it the perfect temperature to curl up and nap too. This metal cage only made him colder with every passing second, nothing but his body heat to keep his scales from freezing and snapping off, leaving him exposed and unprotected from any predators.

The blanket did little to help. It was a thin, matted thing, adorned with stiff threads that poked his stomach and irritated his face. He'd long ago torn it to shreds and kicked it out of the bars of his cage, receiving a stern scolding and a bucket of ice water over his head. Eventually, the bedding had been replaced– purely because they noticed his neverending bouts of shivering and pitiful calls– but Tommy avoided it like the plague. He didn't need the blanket anyways, he was a big strong dragon! He had fire of his own to keep him warm.

Even if he hadn't quite figured out how to use it yet.

So he napped. A lot. In fact, Tommy didn't do much other than nap, ignoring the pokes to his slithering tail and sharp prods with a narrow stick. The darkness offered him a comfort that his new home had no chance of giving him; a voidness that he wanted to sink into.

And so, he did.


Tommy had been in the middle of a particularly good dream when there was a sudden crash outside, jolting him awake with a startled squeak. His heightened senses made the noise seem all the more louder, distant shouts in one of the human languages he'd heard echoing throughout the room.

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