Beneath The Ocean Surface

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As promised, heres the short oneshot im posting to make up for my imminent absence. Pls dont murder me for writing this instead of working on chapter 7 :)

Sorry for any grammatical errors or weird sentences, i still dont have a beta reader and proofread this one time before calling it good.

Regardless, hope you enjoy more dark sbi! :D

Synopsis: Mer AU where Mer Tommy, Techno, and Phil attack human child Wilbur's ship. a little case of "forced" adoption occurs


The waves were the closest thing to a home Wilbur had ever had.

He didn't know what exactly it was about them. Maybe it was the satisfying lull they brought to the ship as they sailed ahead, like a gently rocking cradle. Or perhaps the loud crash that echoed on the shore as water met land, brushing up shells and rocks to the surface, perfect to sell.

It could even be the unknown that lurked beneath the deep blue top, covering up a second world of fish and coral invisible to mankind.

Regardless, Wilbur had always been fascinated with it. Even at eight years old, as he was now, his father's promises of another journey over the sea filled him to the brim with excitement. He had cheered the loudest as the ship had been untied and the large, billowing sails caught their first wind. The gentle crash of tiny waves against the hull, the sounds of workers building and moving around crates and heavy bags, and the wind whistling through his ears at the railing were akin to a calling; the same calling that his father, along with all of the other men on the ship, felt.

He giggled as his brown curls were blown in his eyes, a small clip doing little to hold it away from his face. By now, in such a deep part of the ocean, the feeling of being so far from land was...freeing. With the sun beaming overhead, glistening over smooth waves as Mother Nature's compass, he knew they would be safe to explore without being lost. Maybe, if he was lucky, they would let him stand at the head of the ship, hanging onto the rope, in a dangerous trust between man and vessel.

A callused hand on his shoulder startled him as his father stood beside him, arm resting on the tall wooden railing. The coat worn over his shoulder must have been stifling hot in the beating overhead sun, but he knew his father had always appreciated symbols of pride and his high position. He never dared to remove it, unless it was to set it over Wilbur's shoulders in a promise of his future spot as captain.

He gave Wilbur a warm smile of yellow teeth and chapped lips. "Likin' the view, kiddo?"

Wilbur's eyes dotted to focus once again on the ocean blue, nothing but endless light skies with clouds of fluffy white in sight.

"It's pretty," he nodded, standing on his tiptoes to peer carefully over the wooden railing. "Better than land, I think."

"You take after your old father, then," his father squeezed him on the shoulder, tracking Wilbur's gaze to watch as their ship effortlessly glided through the ruthless field of blue. The captain's pin on his coat glinted in the daylight, golden insignia more valuable than most men's yearly pay.

Wilbur couldn't count the number of times he'd dreamed of wearing that pin himself, standing at the large wheel and directing the crew just as well and controlled as his father had learned to do. Wearing that coat and continuing his family's great legacy, a legend amidst the numerous crews that sailed the sea.

"I like the ocean," Wilbur nodded in agreement. "One day, I'll have my own ship! And then I can sail all day long without you keeping me away from the wheel."

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