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Hello! im sure you guys all are aware of the recent situation concerning Shubble and Wilbur, and if you are not, I suggest looking into it on your own (and for the love of god not on Twitter, its best to form opinions straight from the source. If you want to know what I'm talking about, I recommend watching Shubble's VOD regarding the abuse she has faced in her life). And the past few days have been pretty rough, since so much of my life has become dependent on fic!sbi along with CC!wilbur, but I have come to a temporary (or permanent, hinging on the circumstances) decision regarding the situation.

First and foremost, I support Shubble. She is unbelievably brave for speaking up about the situation and I have the upmost respect for her. I don't watch her, but at the same time, she doesn't deserve any of the hate she is receiving.

Secondly, I still don't know what quite to believe. A part of me wants to wait for Wilbur to respond, but at the same time, the evidence lines up far too much to be just a coincidence. However, because I don't feel 100% certain, my current action is to step away from everything Wilbur is affiliated with (LVJY, his channel, the videos he's in) until there is some form of response, which I really hope he makes sometime soon. If he doesn't, then I'll be permanently stepping away from his content. But that aspect doesn't have anything to do with what I'm writing.

To be cut and dry, I will still continue to write this fic along with WHLT because the character I write shares nothing with CC!Wilbur other than a name and appearance. These characters are far more ocs than they are relating to the fictional characters themselves, which are already so separated from the CCs, and this situation doesn't change that. I want to still make peoples days a little happier through my works, and especially with this sort of situation, I still wish to continue doing that.

However, because I feel uncomfortable writing about a character with Wilbur's name and appearance, I will be changing FBF!Wilbur's name to something else, along with his appearance. I feel no need to change any of his personality or anything since it is entirely original. I've put so much love and effort into this fic to let it go to waste, especially when this fandom has become such a major source of happiness for me and ignites my passion for writing. I don't know anything about the new appearance or anything this character will have, but that will be put in the beginning notes of the next chapter.

As for oneshots, I will no longer be writing about Wilbur. But I still will be about the rest of fic!SBI

And, as I said before, a part of me is still waiting for a response, so if this all miraculously turns out to be a misunderstanding (which I doubt but do hope for), I will retract this and go back to how it was before. But in the meantime, this is my solution that I think works the best. It will still be a minute before I get back to writing, since I feel like I need to take a small break to truly get over this, but I promise I will come back (and am working on getting into QSMP, so that's also a thing)

Thank you guys so much for your support on this fic (and to me as a person!) this is just what I've come with after a few days of thinking it over. See you guys in a bit, and have a great day/night ! make sure to look after your own mental health during this time, and I'm very open to talking in the comments <3 stay safe you guys

!!I'm also debating posting some of my original novel on ao3 once it truly gets started, so let me know if you would be interested in that <3 !!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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