Just A Dream

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Consider this: an AU where Phil and Techno are the monsters under Wilbur's bed who reallyyyyy want to adopt him but don't necessarily know how. Cue the *fluff*

or, rather, a oneshot I speedwrite all in one sitting that's probably shit but I'm procrastinating my other wips so its okay

Enjoy <3


For as long as Wilbur could remember, he'd always had monsters beneath his bed.

He had first met them at the young age of five, just past his birthday, already half-asleep as his mother carried him to his bed to tuck him in.

Even now, Wilbur remembered how his young self had stared at the glowing stars on his ceiling, watching as they twinkled and shone in his tired mind, how he had curled into his covers as the exhaustion of the day caught up to him. His eyes had quickly begun to droop and his breathing slowed while his mother gave him a quick kiss on his forehead, whispering one last "Happy Birthday" before she tiptoed out of the room. The door had shut behind her with a light click, leaving her child all alone.

Minutes had ticked by quickly as Wilbur gradually drifted off, clutching his stuffed animal tightly to his chest and turning to his side.

That was when he'd first heard the voices.

"Hello? Little one, can you hear us?" came a small whisper, the tone light and cautious, almost inaudible.

Wilbur had immediately bolted up in his spot, eyes tracing through the room as he searched for what the source may have been. His closest was tightly shut, his dresser drawers closed with a spare shirt thrown over one of the handles, and his curtains pulled in front of his windows, just as he had made his mother agree to do to keep any nightmarish creatures out.

But there was nothing in sight.

He froze in his spot, eyebrows furrowing as he squeezed his teddy bear, watching for the slightest movement in the dimly lit darkness that made up his room. His simple nightlight cast long shadows on his room, making it look as though figures were waiting there. But he knew better. His mother had told him they weren't people, and his mother was almost always right. Almost.

Maybe he'd just imagined the strange sound. Maybe it wasn't real. Just like his mother had told him the monster in the pantry wasn't real.

Silence fell upon his room aside from his small, shallow breaths. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, pounding like a hammer to a nail.

"Is he even awake?" said a second disembodied voice. Their words were deeper than the prior, more threatening in nature.

Wilbur took in a shocked breath, immediately throwing his blue covers over his head. The soft fabric bathed in total darkness, acting as a shield from whatever might be in his room.

There was a long moment of silence as the disembodied sounds fell quiet, seeming as though they were surprised at his reactions.

"I hear him breathing."

"Of course you do. He's alive, isn't he?"

There was a small laugh, though Wilbur didn't quite understand what was funny in his current predicament. All he could do was shake in terror, too afraid to call out for his mother as he clutched his stuffed animals half to death. The dark world around him gave him little comfort other than the sweet feeling of denial, whispering to him not unlike the voices that he was safe and it was all imaginary.

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