Someone, Somewhere, Sometime

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ahaha did i write this at 3am while sleep deprived? yes.

did I write this instead of writing the second chapter of that other oneshot people were really liking? also yes.

Do I have regrets? Absolutely not.

Enjoy my little platonic soulamtes AU :D (sorry if its bad)


Ever since Wilbur was a kid, there was one phrase that was constant in his life:

Someone. Somewhere. Sometime.

Three simple words. But the meanings held behind them were far more valuable than anything else on Earth.

They created the hope that was drilled into children during their years of school, occupying stories told by smiling parents, and the excited cheers of people of all ages when they finally understood what they had been taught.

After all, they were the words that led you to your soulmate.

"-it depends entirely on which clue you get. Of course, the luckiest of us are told who our soulmate is. According to an article done by the Scientific Research Organization, almost 91% of all individuals born knowing their 'someone' finds their soulmate between 12 to 18 years old, with rarer cases being as young as 7 to 11. Meanwhile, people born with the 'somewhere' location or, even worse, the 'sometime' usually don't find their soulmate until 20 to 30 years of age," Wilbur still heard his teacher recite in his head, flipping through the slides of a projector screen in front of a group of Year Six students, each of them lost in their own thoughts dreaming about meeting their soulmate.

"Now, this of course leads to quite a few differences in someone's ability to find their soulmate. About 35% of all people by the age of 30 who have not yet discovered their soulmate usually are faced with the breaking of the bond, meaning that they ran out of time to find each other before the bond weakened from their distance," the teacher's tone became sullen, gazing upon the classroom of daydreaming students. As a young kid, Wilbur was still unable to recognize the emotion akin to pity that swam in her eyes.

"As some of you may know, this can lead to a variety of both mental and physical issues. After all, most of us cannot live without our soulmate."

At the time, Wilbur had brushed it off, sure that he would find his soulmate long before anything like that happened.

But now, Wilbur still thought about that class at the frightening age of twenty-five.

His life at that moment was going well; he had a successful job in an office, a comfortable apartment with a somewhat affordable rent, and a few close friends that he would die for. Most would call him lucky, or at the bare minimum, 'okay'.

Personally, Wilbur didn't think himself to be very lucky.

He only had five more years before his soulmate bond would snap in half, only the faint clue of 'sometime' to guide him to finding his platonic life partner. The chances of finding his soulmate merely by "the time they would first look each other in the eyes" was the most useless hint he could have.

Yet, every morning he awoke with the same time burned into his brain.

Eight fifty-five AM.

Ever since he'd been old enough to recognize what exactly the time signified, Wilbur had searched. In fact, he'd traveled all of Europe, waking up early each morning to see if he could locate the one person perfectly made to complete him.

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