In Our Final Moments

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I wrote this while seemingly possessed by a sad playlist I found on youtube that had me in a chokehold the entire time while speedwriting this (instead of working on that other oneshot that people have been mass subscribing to-)

Anyways, hope you enjoy!

I highly recommend listening to Brother by Kodaline while reading this, it made me cry :]

Prompt I thought of: Wilbur and Tommy are apprehended by Manberg while in Pogtopia

TW: violence, gore, suicidal(?) thoughts when Tommy just accepts death, and mentions of cleaning an infected wound


"Well, isn't this quite the turn of events?" Wilbur deadpanned.

Tommy laughed, head tilting back until it rested on the cold stone wall of their prison cell. Wilbur sat beside him, unaffected by the filth of the stone wall, damp with growing mold and strand pieces of prickly hay. Wilbur joined in with him, voicing cracking with a hysterical tone, a hint of madness twisting through the evident grief.

"It's almost an improvement from Pogtopia. No more taking down your diamond 'decorations', at least."

Tommy laughed again, wheezing as he accidentally inhaled a cloud of dust that coated the majority of things in their cell. In the back of his mind, he thanked Prime he didn't have asthma. Not that that would've made a difference in his fate.

No, the bleeding wound that pierced his lower leg would ensure that.


It wasn't every day that you woke up to a glowing axe being held against your neck.

Tommy, unfortunately, now knew how that felt.

The blade, pulsing with glowing enchantments crafted of netherite, stung as it dug lightly into the sensitive skin of his throat, blood welling at the surface and gently trickling a small path down his chest. The man wielding it looked contrastingly apologetic, fox-like features twisted so that his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes gleamed with a guilty shine.

"I'm sorry, Tommy," Fundy whispered, hands shaking as he gripped the axe tightly. "But you need to come with us."

Tommy instantly felt his heart drop, cold fear filling his mind with a mix of adrenaline and terror. He cautiously held his hands up in surrender, careful to not move quickly.

"Fundy," he said slowly. "What are you doing here? What's happening?"

There was a long moment of hesitation. "I think you know the answer to that," was the man's only response.

Tommy stared at him, making the man flinch slightly at the eye contact. He lifted the axe slightly up, ensuring that his throat wasn't cut any further.

"How did you find us?" he asked.

Fundy grimaced back, not answering the question. "I said you need to come with us, Tommy. We don't have time for questions."

"The fuck we don't?" Tommy swore, his hands, still held in surrender, clenching into fists. "How the fuck did you find us, Fundy? I swear- if you hurt Tubbo-"

"I- we didn't have a choice," he whispered, swallowing hard. For a split second, Tommy could have sworn he saw the wet shine of tears in his eyes, but he dismissed it as a fruitless search for humanity in the man's eyes. "Just come with us. Surrender to Manberg, please-"

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