A Century of Sunshine

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Never before did i think i could write 9k words in a 24 hour time period without loosing my sanity and you guys witnessed me go through forced character development on twitter as a result

But,,, its been done. Allow me to present my Melodies to Masterpieces (a writer and artist SBI event) submission for the first song! i l'm going bonkers over the au of this one, Liz and I are simply too powerful paired together and this happened as a result.

this once again isn't technically dark sbi, but i have nowhere else to post it on wattpad soo...maybe i should just make a separate oneshots collection pretty soon

Hope you guys enjoy! <3

Synposis: God Tommy is sent to the human realm for a century while God SBI eagerly waits for him to return (happy reunion au)


As an immortal, it's difficult to grasp the concept of time.

It was something Tommy had always struggled with. Born into such an otherworldly position, he'd never even seen a clock, much less learned what a minute was. Life was simply...life. There was no need to count each moment of your existence when you weren't waiting for it to end.

But there was one measurement. Years, the mortals called it, dictated by the revolution the Earth took around the Sun. A mechanism of Tommy's own creation, using his birthright abilities to manipulate the heat and light it offered to create the perfect cycle, ensuring the equilibrium of the world around them. It was only when the humans came along that they began to use it to tell the time.

Seconds, minutes, days, months, and, finally, years . Then, decades. Centuries. Eras. Millenniums.

Tommy, the God of the Sun, had never particularly cared about it until now. After all, it wasn't essential. Not when human lives seemed to vanish in the blink of an eye; civilizations crumbling then rebuilt, wars, families, all gone before he could even process their existence.

Before it came his time to study the humans.

Wilbur claimed it was a way to further expand his empathy. To force him to understand that they weren't so different than the deities themselves.

At first, Tommy didn't believe him. Wilbur was the God of Music; it was practically in his blood to feel deeper emotion than the rest of them; he had to channel it to his work. He had to interact with those creatures below to spread the knowledge he knew, creating disciples to branch off on their own. But Tommy...his only job was to ensure the security of the sun. He watched it, made sure its everlasting light didn't dare flicker, staying on course for the survival of the world.

He didn't need the people for that.

But he didn't have a choice in the matter.

"You'll only be gone for about a century, Toms," his brother had reassured the night before he left. Tommy still remembered the confidence that carried his words, a foreign security that he was right. That agreeing to go was the correct and easy thing to do. "You know it's not that long. I promise , you'll be back before you know it!"

A century wasn't that long. Only one hundred human years, wrapped in a bundle that passed impossibly quick.

But Tommy didn't buy it.

"You really expect me to just- just take off and leave for a fucking century?" Tommy groaned, covering his eyes with his palms. "C'mon Wil, you can't actually -"

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