Fate in Forests (part two)

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this chapter is literally just dark fluff. Like, that's all. It's my first time writing it, so please bear with me if there are a few errors.

Hope you enjoy!


When Tommy awoke, it was to the familiar feeling of shifting limbs as he was pulled tightly against a warm chest.

It took a long moment for him to register where he was, not even needing to open his eyes. The feeling of soft, plush fabric beneath him, the light body heat radiating from the cocoon of comfort, was enough for the recesses of his mind to cheer at his spot in the nest.

That's where he was, he reminded himself. Safe. Protected. Comforted.

Part of his mind blearily wondered how he'd gotten there, but the weights that fell upon his eyes, the stuffiness he felt, and the pillow that his brother made below him won over his logic.

Sleep was more important.

Distantly, he heard a small murmur, almost a rumble. The noise was not intelligible in the slightest, but Tommy recognized it as his oldest brother slowly waking up.

A head came to gently rest on top of his, hair tickling his scalp. His brother's clawed hand gently began to work through the twists and knots that took over his golden locks, scratching his scalp to the side. Tommy made an appreciative hum to Techno, melting into both the arms around him and the hand sorting through his hair.

There was a small chuckle as he leaned into the touch, resting his head where his brother's neck met his shoulders, lazily tilting into the comfort it brought. His eyes felt glued shut, as though someone had taped over them with invisible exhaustion. All of his bones felt weaker, his mind fuzzy and unable to comprehend anything other than the tempting heat and the secure body that he lay nestled into.

He sighed as he was overcome by the feeling of drifting back into the dream world. There was a small coo to the side, making his eyebrows furrow slightly, and he leaned even closer toward Wilbur. A small rumble started in his chest, akin to a purr.

There was another warm laugh, the sound reminding Tommy of the sway of wind chimes, blatantly inhumane in its nature.

"Hello sunshine," came Wilbur's voice, a steady rumbling starting in his chest, mimicking Tommy's. "Did you sleep well?"

Tommy hummed in response, reaching an arm out to circle around his brother's neck, sealing them together. He was squeezed tighter in response.

"He's not awake yet," came a remark from the side, Tommy feeling a smile press into his skull. There was another gentle rumble starting, the hands weaving through hands and gently braiding the growing strands, undoing and redoing the interwoven locks in a repetitive movement that felt unnaturally soothing. All of it felt so nice, so safe, like Tommy could just sink into it forever and never stop falling. "Pretty out of it after his little scare last night."

Fingers dug into his spine through his shirt, twisting the fabric until it was secured around Wilbur's long hand. The touch was greedy, possessive, even. As though he was reminding Tommy who he belonged to.

"He needed to learn," was his brother's only response to Techno's observation. "Scaring me like that. But he learned his lesson. Didn't you, Toms?"

Tommy sleepy nodded against Wilbur's neck, too tired to even speak.

"My little sunshine," Wilbur whispered at the action. "Mine."

A growl echoed across the nest, making Tommy instinctively tense up, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Ours," Techno corrected, warning underlying his words. Tommy felt the hand in his hair tighten significantly, body pressing more tightly against him until he was squished between both of his brothers.

When there was no response, there was another, louder growl, Techno's chest rumbling with more danger than the original comfort it had brought. Tommy let out a small, needy whine, attempting to further hide away in Wilbur's neck.

He was scared. He didn't like the sound. He wanted them to stop-

There was a sharp hiss, and though it wasn't directed at him, Tommy whimpered.

"Wilbur," Techno snarled, head lifting from his own to stare down Wilbur.

There was a long moment of silence, broken only by another whine that was ripped from Tommy's throat, an aching noise that begged for consoling.

It was only then that Tommy felt Wilbur shift, protective instincts dying down just as quickly as they had come.

"Ours," he finally agreed, though there was a blatant hesitance to his words.

The rumbling immediately died down, replaced by a forgiving chuff. The hand in his hair gradually loosened its rough hold, resuming the soft scratching of sharpened claws against his head. Wilbur gently rubbed his spine, making Tommy crumple back into them.

He preened in their touch, darkness once again regaining its tethers on his mind until he couldn't think, only treasuring the tender touches of his family. He vowed to never move from this spot, though he doubted that his brothers would let him move anyways.

There was only one thing missing.

"Wilby?" Tommy murmured, normally too quiet for any human to hear, but he knew that his family's unnatural hearing would be able to pick up on it. "Techno?"

A questioning chuff was his response, followed by a "Yes, darling?" from Wilbur.

Tommy sighed contentedly, eyes still shut as he twisted slightly in Wilbur's hold until he was almost flat on his face. "Where's Dad?" he asked sleepily.

He felt his older brother press a kiss against his curls. "He's downstairs, runt. He has things to do."

Tommy let out an unhappy grumble, eyebrows furrowing. "Want Dad."

A hand wrapped around his chin, tilting his head. Tommy instinctively creaked open his eyes, blue meeting with familiar red eyes, pink locks falling in front of a harsh face that would make most fall to their knees in terror. But, rather than their usually bloodthirsty grin, Tommy was met with a sympathetic frown.

"He's busy, little one. I'm sure we can steal him away later, but right now, you need to sleep," he whispered, his voice suddenly lowered as if in an apology for scaring him. "Can you do that for me, Theseus? Just go back to sleep and we can keep Phil in the nest later."

Tommy's face fell, already doubting the truth of Techno's words. But, before he could say anything else, his brother's large hand fell over his eyes, gently pressing them all the way shut with another chuff. The hands around his waist pulled him back, Wilbur throwing a leg around his.

"Can't I go see him?" Tommy faintly protested, allowing his head to fall limply underneath Wilbur's, the purr growing in his brother's chest already gradually lulling him into sleep.

There was a sudden growl from both of his brothers this time, each of their holds becoming momentarily more painful than comforting.

"No," Wilbur growled. "No, Toms, you aren't leaving this room for a long while, sweetheart." His voice softened somewhat as he saw the sudden pained expression Tommy wore, relaxing his hold. "Not after what you did."

Tommy whined again, not bothering with what he recognized to be a fruitless argument, merely allowing his brothers to calm down.

After a long moment, Tommy cautiously wrapped his arms around Techno's stomach. The piglin hybrid smiled, drawing closer, twisting more braids into Tommy's hair.

The instant Wilbur started humming, Tommy felt his mind empty into the calming blank that it was usually in while he lay in the nest. The soft tune seemed to wrap its way into his brain, holding him steady as darkness took over his vision.

"We have to keep you safe, Theseus," Techno mumbled. "Whether you like it or not."

Tommy, warm and safe, smiled.


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