Bloodied Footsteps

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This was supposed to be like 1k words but then this happened and i lost motivation but persisted on anyways

((Or, I continue to claim that i am a 4/4 sbi writer despite only writing 3/4 or just 2/4 (bedrock bros and crimebois my beloved))

If the ending seems kinda tacked on thats because it was :)

But anyways, Hope you enjoy! As always, tws are per usual (this is dark sbi) 

Synopsis:  Tommy tries to escape the clutches of the Syndicate after they turn into a vampire. Techno tracks him down and reminds him that he's his sire


Honestly, by now, Tommy should be used to running.

It was a rhythmic motion, with the measured ease of even breaths, the uniform movement of arms and legs, and the cold brush of air flowing past his form in sudden waves. Full of adrenaline and pain, yet an integrated part of the boy's life, learned so long ago to save himself from the claws of watchful thieves and angry merchants.

He'd thought that running was put behind him. Tommy had a home now; a place where his family bestowed nothing but love and affection to his starved self. What use would running be when he had everything he'd ever wanted?

Once upon a time, the boy had vowed that he would never leave the arms of his brothers, the gentle touch of his father paired with a reassuring smile, the endless cycle of praise and words laced with unconditional trust. This was where he belonged, despite what others may think. After all, they were soon silenced forever with a slash of claws across their vulnerable throats, choking away their words of learned hatred for a boy that had grown up in poverty.

They claimed that Tommy, being the poor thief he was, had no place in such a grandiose palace. No right to wear the glistening crown on his head, a single emerald jewel resting at the top in a silent mark of what others would see as nothing but a mark of status, showing that he was above them and not to be threatened. But he knew what it truly was; ownership. A territorial mark of who he belonged to, who he would forever cherish, and who he would never dare leave.

Tommy once believed that he wouldn't dare leave his family's side.

But that was before the fateful day.

The afternoon when they first revealed their vibrant red eyes hidden behind contacts of brown and blue, once filled with blooming swirls of adoration, now switching to a predatorial threat. The long, pearlescent fangs, sharpened to a point and able to rip the throat out of whoever dared cross them, leaving permanent stains of gore across the pure white. The voices now accompanied by whispered, coaxing melodies with every word, which he now knew to be an inherent trait of monsters to draw their prey closer, to ease their struggles and make an easy target to feed off of.

Those were the same inhuman features that had looked down at a trembling Tommy, trapping him in unrelenting arms and baring his throat to who he once thought was his brother.

Tommy didn't remember what happened after that. The next few months–or was it years– were nothing but foggy exhaustion, the sweet tang of blood pooling in his mouth, and a poisonous love leeching into his every waking moment.

Until he'd finally awoken, finally free from their influence after so much time, the creatures nowhere to be seen and leaving him alone with a conveniently cracked window and a rare rush of adrenaline.

So, he did what anyone in his situation would do.

He climbed down the tower and ran.

It was almost funny how quickly he fell back into the old feeling of running, of being chased, like his old life was just waiting to be rediscovered beneath layers of lies and deceit. All he knew was the irreplaceable feeling of sprinting through throngs of trees and bushes, dodging hanging green vines and pointed blades of grass.

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