Chapter 25: New semester

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I wake up in a haze to my alarm going off, the girls are all gone, and they left me a note. 

I take the sticky note off of my face and read it out loud.

Y/N: Y/N, we wish we could cuddle with you forever, but we had class, love you! Signed, Da gurls.

I feel up my wet neck and discover that two of them, possibly, gave me hickeys. 

I get up and just throw on some basic attire, nothing special needs to really be done here, Heim has conversed with me over the summer, he knows how I am. 

I get a text from my dad wishing me luck.

Dad: Your mother and I say good luck! Crush some academic ass and give the girls my best wishes! 

Y/N: Love you guys, tell mom I love her too! 

I put my phone away and make sure I got everything for the day. I head out to the car and peel off almost right after, no time to set up the music or anything, heading in the direction of the engineering building. 

I arrive and park in the spot, making sure I got my parking pass set up on the mirror. 

Jayce: Ah! Y/N! I see you're living off campus big lad. 

Y/N: Yep, it's ironically cheaper, despite the house we got. 

Jayce: I feel that, I got a studio about a block from here. 

That's good for him, get out of the shithole dorms. 

We walk into the lab together.

Jayce: You gotta let me come over one of these times, we gotta throw a party or something. That K/DA party that happened at the frat was crazy. 

A couple students walk by recognize me. 

Fan: Holy shit, that's the DJ?

Other fan: Yeah, he's tall as fuck, wish I was him...

We both walk by them, and Jayce gives me a sly grin. 

Jayce: Fame feel good, Y/N?

Y/N: This kind of fame I got right now is like the YouTuber fame you know?

Jayce: Where it's lowkey, some people know of your existence, not large scale yet? 

Y/N: Yep, I'm not seeing any female fans that want to fuck me yet. 

Jayce: The girls can take care of that... *chuckle* 

We laugh as we scan our IDs and head inside the lab.

Heim: Boys! Boys! 

He scuddles over to shake our hands. I notice this lab is a lot smaller but there are so many more gadgets in it. 

Heim: Welcome to the lab, the one you started in was idiot-proofed, that was to weed out the competition. Now that you gentlemen have proven yourselves, you can let loose in one of my many inner sanctums. Only thing you'll need from me is the occasional written assessment, otherwise, go on, explore!

Y/N: You brought your hammer, Jayce?

Jayce: It's out in the truck, let me go get it. 

Heim: Hammer? 

Y/N: He's making this big hammer just for fun, he's going into city infrastructure and feels he needs that to make a statement when he steps foot in there. 

Heim: Ah, as an inventor, I understand the importance of display, your gadgets start crude, but then as you perfect them, they gather traction from public eyes because they don't care how it works, just that it does...

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