Final bonus chapter

449 15 6

You groaned as your eyes slowly fluttered open and close. You heard voices speaking softly and hushed as they didn't want anyone to hear or maybe because you were asleep.

"Tae dear, as you are married under the customs of her kingdom and not under the customs of your own realm you must do them now, to satisfy your ancestors. You are the new king and if you don't uphold ancient traditions neither will the people."

"I know that, but I don't know if she's up for that. After all, we haven't really done anything. It wasn't really a priority for the both of us." He admitted a bit embarrassed.

His mother let out a small gasp. "Well this makes it all the more perfect then! You can uphold customs as it should be, both virgins!" She exclaimed happy.

Without them noticing your presence you had gotten out of the bed and leaned against the door frame, listening to their conversation. Amusement played in your eyes as you saw your husband being all flustered. You knew what they were talking about of course. These types of marriage rituals were more common then having no customs.

A sacred night spend together while people watched you perform it. It guaranteed them it was a successful marriage and so they could pray for a child to be conceived as well.

"It's cute how it flusters you so much Tae." You interjected and his head shot to the right, he looked at you and chuckled nervously before coming to hug you.

He kissed your cheek and you smiled at him. "Oh Jen dear, I know you don't have any wedding customs but we do and-"

"I'm up for them. After all Tae's the new king so he needs to set an example. Plus I have been looking for a perfect timing to do it anyways, so why not now." You admitted and smiled sheepishly.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked looking for any sign of fear or sign you don't want to do this. You nodded your head and he smiled as he found no sign.

"Great! I'll get everything ready for tonight!" She cheered happily and left.


You were a bit nervous as in a few minutes you would make love to the love of your life. You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes to try and calm your nerves.

"Are you ready?" His mom asked as she walked in the bedroom with a few other people. "As ready as we'll ever be I suppose." You spoke.

"Good now the curtains are here for your privacy, so don't worry about a thing and just pretend we aren't here!"

You nodded and laid on the bed. Taehyung crawled on top of you and caressed your cheek. You smiled at him and he placed a soft and tender kiss on your lips.

His lips left yours as he searched your eyes for permission to continue. You quickly nodded as you let out a final nervous breath. He smiled at you before kissing you again.

He slipped his tongue in your mouth and swirled with yours making a perfect match like two colours of a slushie mixing perfectly together. You moaned into the kiss.

His hands roamed your body and stopped at your slender waist before he started kissing your jaw going down to your neck. He placed kisses down your neck, stopping to suck and bite certain spots. He let his tongue swirl over those spots as you let out a little yelp from the hurt.

Soon the pain from it turned into pleasure and you let out a moan as he kissed your collarbone also placing a hickey on that spot. You let out a moan that filled the entire room.

He tugged on your dress wanting you to take it off and so you did. You complied with his wish and he just stared at your body. he took off your binding letting your boobs free.

He kissed your boobs softly before playing with them. You were overjoyed and arched your back to get more of the feeling he inflicted.

His mouth started sucking on your nipple, his tongue gently flicking it and swirling his tongue around it. His hand went to your other boob and gently massaged it. His fingers played with your nipple slightly pinching it.

He then switched positions giving your other boob the feeling of his tongue. Your hands weaved in his hair as the sensations filled through your whole body and to your core.

He took off his own shirt and then continued kissing down your stomach leaving butterfly kisses all over.

His hand went to your thighs and he glided his fingers against them gently before placing kisses between them.

"Omg." You breathed out. He carefully slipped a hand inside your panties. "You must really want me bad." He joked as he rubbed your clit. You rolled your eyes but nodded your head nonetheless.

He slipped a finger inside your wet folds while still rubbing your clit. He started pounding in and out of your pussy giving you pleasure.

He inserted another finger, scissoring you. Stretching you out and you were a moaning mess. It turned him on so bad. "I'm close." You moaned and he increased the pace of his 2 fingers inserting a third one and that made you cum all over his fingers.

He took off your panties exposing your pussy to the cold air.

He took off his trousers and underwear letting his hard dick spring free. He was severely turned on. You saw his cock and blinked at the size of it.

His cock teased your entrance and you felt needy for it, for him. You tried to buck your hips to feel something of friction. You wanted it desperately.

He smirked at your reaction before slowly pushing himself in holding on to your thighs. You slightly whimpered at the pain and about how large he is.

"Are you ready for this my love." He whispered seductively earning a slight nod from you before he started to pound in you mercilessly.

He didn't start of slow now he immediately went fast and hard. "Mmm" you moaned.

"Fuck that's it baby." He moaned. He was destroying your pussy with how hard his thrusts were. He was still going faster, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The pleasure you felt was intense. "I'm close." You whimpered.

"Already? Well cum for me baby." He growled and you did but he still wasn't done with you. He dominated your hole, he was fucking you so hard, you absolutely loved it. "I'm getting close again." You practically yelled out.

"So am I, cum with me." He moaned out and you did. Moments later he cummed inside you and then collapsed on top of you.

He kissed your forehead gently. He pushed a strand of your sweat soaked hair behind your ear as he whispered "I love you so much my Jennie. I always will."

You chucked but smiled so hard nonetheless. "I love you more my Taehyung. I love you more then you could possibly imagine."

He kissed your swollen lips softly before laying next to you and pulling you close. His arm was wrapped around your waist and his other was stroking your hair. Your head layed on his chest. You both fell asleep cuddling.

The end

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