Life's hell

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I got up as my alarm went of and my eyes shot open. It was 5 AM. I went out of my bed and went to my bathroom to enjoy and nice hot shower.

After my shower I went and got ready. I looked at the time as I was ready and it was 6AM. I took my phone and went to the kitchen.

I put in my earplugs and started to make breakfast. An hour almost passed and I saw my adoptive mother coming my way.

"It's almost ready." I said as i was scrambling the eggs. I then divided it amongst the 4 plates.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with a tomato with mozzarella and herbs. A healthy breakfast.

"Thank you dear now after you finish eating go out I don't want to see your face for the entire day. Come back to start dinner." She said as she grabbed her plate and the rest of my adoptive family came.

I ate my delicious breakfast and when I was done I placed my plate in the dishwasher. I grabbed my purse.

"I'm out." I said and left the house closing the door behind me. I walked towards the park. I had my earplugs in and enjoyed the scenery while sad music was playing.

It was still early like 7:30AM not many people are out here yet. Although not many people come here to begin with. There always to busy with there work.

Or simple won't waste time coming here. I sat on the bench and I looked at the top of the castle that could be seen from here.

The castle was beautiful and really big. I always wandered what it would be like to live in that. I kept staring at it imagining how the inside must look like.

I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice someone was sitting next to me on the bench. I took out my sketchbook and started drawing the top of the castle.

The person next to me never left. I don't really mind I mean it's a free park. I continued drawing for 30 minutes until it was done.

"That's really beautifully drawn." The person next to me spoke. It startled me a bit. His voice was really deep and masculine.

I looked at the person next to me quickly covering my drawing. "Uh thanks but it's really not." I spoke as I put it back into my bag.

"It really is but why did you draw the castle?" He asked me like he's trying to start a conversation.

"Because it's really beautiful. Also the view from here is gorgeous and the scenery of the park makes it look like it's something from a fairytale." I answered not really minding to have a normal conversation for once.

"I see." He replied. "I bet inside it's more like a fairytale and the royal family must love to live there. If only I could take a look inside." I said and he turned his head to me.

I also turned mine to his to see his expression. "The place is beautiful and all but it's to big and the royal family is a mess. There kids hardly ever see there parents." He spoke like he knows how it is personally.

"How would you know that? No one besides the royal family and there trusted guards have been allowed inside the castle." I said and he gave me this disbelieving look.

"What?" I asked him. "I was always told the people never wanted to visit the royal family." He answered me.

"What who told you that nonsense? The king and queen don't want anyone inside the castle because we might carry diseases like where some sick rats or something." I spoke very seriously and he just stared at me.

"I don't believe you." He said while he was still looking at me. He was staring at my soul.

"I'm not someone to lie. I learned my lesson the hard way to not ever lie. Not to a stranger or people." I spoke looking down at my hands.

"Do you lie to family and friends? Because you only said strangers and people." He asked me.

"Oh I don't have family or friends. Well I am adopted by a family that doesn't even see me as there kid and hates me. I'm just there to cook and clean." I said.

"Like Cinderella and I'm sorry to hear that." He said as he looked away from me.

"I'm not Cinderella. She lives a fairytale and she gets to go to the ball and meet the prince who falls in love with her and they marry and live happily ever after in that beautiful castle." I said and a little smile appeared on my face talking about the castle.

"You are really obsessed with castle's aren't you." He laughed a little. "It's because they remind me of my real parents who left me. When they left me at the orphanage they left a drawing with me. It was my family and me standing in front of a castle." I spoke.

"That's why I'm obsessed with them. They always peeked my interests and I find them very beautiful." I said while he listened.

"Are you trying to find your parents by looking at castle's?" He asked me really curious. "Maybe I mean this is the only castle if ever seen but it's my favourite. Besides why would I want to look for a family that abandoned me?" I asked him.

"To know why they left you." What he said made sense. I mean I've always wanted to know the reason. Maybe they did it to give me my best chance or because they couldn't take care of me.

"Perhaps. Oh I have to go. Bye stranger." I quickly got up and left leaving the guy there sitting on the bench.

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