Why me?

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I woke up and went to the shower I did what I do everyday and I took the leftover kimchi and left to the park.

I was walking with my earplugs in and in a good 30 minute walk I arrived at the park. I already saw him sitting there.

I hesitantly walked closer as he saw me he had this boxy smile on his face. I smiled a small smile and went closer and sat beside him on the bench where we first met.

"I have to ask you something." I asked him politely. He looked at me a bit surprised I was so politely but he nodded.

"What is the prince running from that he would come to this park and talk to a complete stranger? Well someone like me." I asked him and his expression showed even more surprise and shock.

"How did you know?" He asked me taken aback a bit. "I saw you on the news yesterday." I replied.

He let out a sigh. "So Kim Taehyung your highness." I spoke. He shook his head. "Just call me Taehyung leave the royal stuff away. After all I didn't make a deal with my parents to come to be treated like a prince." He spoke.

"Why did you if I may ask?" I was just to curious about a lot of things. "Mm not here follow me." He said as he got up and held out his hand for mine.

I took it and he dragged me somewhere. We were at this beautiful grass area with flowers everywhere. It was pretty secluded tho. Very beautiful.

He sat down on the grass and I mimicked him. I sat beside him and I looked at the beautiful sky.

"I made a deal to find love." He suddenly spoke up. I looked at him confused. "When we where younger me and my siblings watched this very romantic movie and ever since then we always wanted to marry out of love." He continued as I just listened.

"My parents made us a promise that we could marry out of love. My big sister did. But my parents broke that promise a few days ago. 3 days ago they told me I was to marry someone I don't even know." He finished.

My eyes widened when I heard what he said. This is what he meant by I can fulfill this promise alone.

"That's terrible! Your father should keep his word especially when it's about something like this!" I exclaimed a bit to loudly.

He chuckled a bit. "I agree but I made this deal where I go out and I have to find someone I love who loves me back within 2 months because that's when the wedding will happen." He spoke softly.

"But your still so young how can you marry someone at 18?" I asked him. "Things work differently in the royal family but I have to find love because the fate of not only me depends on it but also of my little sister." When he said that I knew what he meant.

"Your father sounds like a real jerk I mean your sister just turned 17 and it's not like she's in line for the throne." I let out a little to loud.

He laughed. "Someone did there research." I just nodded not ashamed or anything. "I have one more question." I said as I looked at the flowers.

"Just 1 ok shoot." He joked. "Why do you want to be friends with me?" I asked feeling really nervous for his answer.

He shrugged. "Because you seem like a very interesting person and I thought you could use a friend." He smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"But now I have a question for you." He said and I nodded. "What is your name." I laughed at this.

"It's a secret." I joked. "Come on I'm dying to know besides you know my name so it's only fair if you tell me yours." He pouted like a little kid.

"You got a point. Alright my name is.... not gonna tell you." I laughed again and he stood up. He came closer to me. "What are you doing?" I asked curious and a bit scared.

"I'm going to tickle the answer out of you." He spoke with a evil smirk lingering on his face.

My eyes widened and I quickly ran away. But he rushed after me and caught me after a few seconds. He started tickling me.

I rolled from side to side laughing like a mad woman. Tears where forming in my eyes from all the laughing. I was clutching my stomach and it started to hurt a bit from the intense laughter.

"Ok ok I'll tell you just please stop." I continued laughing. He smirked even more. "Tell me and I'll stop." He said as he was still tickling me.

"Fine my name is Kim Jennie. Now please stop tickling me." I laughed my guts out and he stopped. "Your wish is my command Jennie." He said and I giggled.

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