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After I got back home I looked at my phone and saw his contact

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After I got back home I looked at my phone and saw his contact. I immediately changed his name to TT:)

Not that it really matter what I would call him because I change it all the time. As I laid my phone down to go the to bathroom and take a shower.

I took a hot shower and after I got out of it I checked my phone for the time and there I saw I had a message from TT

I quickly dropped my towel I was using to dry my hair and grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

Hey Jennie for tomorrow meet me at the castle at 9AM sharp! My guards will let you in if you tell them your name. They'll probably ask you to show this message so better not change my name.

Okie I'll be there and don't worry I didn't;)

Took you long enough and what's with the winky face eh?

Sorry I was in the shower and nothing;))

Stop winking it's weird

I love to use this emote and I'm allowed to;))

No because as your prince I forbid you from using it!

What you can't do that to me!!😭

I can and I just did😜

Meanie hmph😤😑

:) lol anyways gotta go see ya tomorrow:)

Okay! Bye.

I put down my phone and I didn't notice there was a smile on my face. I'm just so excited to see the castle I can't wait!

I quickly went to bed so that tomorrow would come sooner. Just as I closed my eyes to sleep I opened them again and it was already morning.

I got up and did my morning routine. I wore a white tank top with a blue pleaded skirt and some sneakers. I did my hair in a ponytail and I went to make breakfast.

Yuna came and told me the same she always did. After I ate breakfast I left I already went to the castle even though it was only 8AM.

I didn't care I would wait for an hour. I stood there admiring the view. Then I saw this beautiful girl with black hair walk up to me.

"Can I help you?" She asked me with a really sweet voice. "Oh no I'm just waiting till it's 9 then I can go in." I spoke.

"How come?" She asked me. "Oh Taehyung invited me. Omg I mean the prince." I totally panicked. She laughed at me. "I see he told us someone he met was coming today."

"I'm Manoban Lisa. Nice meeting you Jennie right?" She asked and I nodded. "You have a beautiful name." I said and she smiled at me.

"Well I have to go now I'll see you later Jennie." I nodded and she went inside the castle. Aaaah I can't wait to enter and Lisa seems so nice and she's very beautiful.

I really want to get to know her more. I waited for another 20 minutes and then a woman came out. She looked like the queen.

Holy lord she is the queen. She walked towards me and I quickly bowed my head to her in a way of respect.

She gave me a small smile meaning I could stop bowing. When I did her face turned stern again.

"You must be the girl my son talked about showing around the castle today." She spoke and I nodded.

"Yes my queen." After all I do have manners even though I don't like her. "Well I'm sorry to say this but I won't allow you inside the castle." When she said that my eyes widened with shock.

"What why not my queen." I asked trying to stay as calm as possible and as formal. "Because your not from any high status I won't allow my son to be around someone as low as you." She said not hiding the hate in those words.

"So I advise you to leave and never be around my son again. Or else the consequences will be major for both of you." She said.

"If you do this how will he ever find love? Don't you want him to find love like how you did my queen." I said totally losing my mind.

"You think he's in love with you?" She asked me I immediately shook my head. "We are just friends but he told me he wants to find love. So if you do this to me his friend how can he ever find love?" I asked as I felt a tear prick my eye.

"Simple he won't he will learn to love the girl we have chosen for him. She's very beautiful and kind. Time will teach him to love her." She said as her expression never changed.

"You cannot force love and you cannot learn to love someone you don't like. Love is something that happens you can be friends with one another but never love each other not even in a friend kind of way. You cannot learn to love someone you were forced to spend your live with. Love comes to you in unexpected ways and people." After those words left my lips I felt my cheek redden because I was slapped.

By the queen. "Leave you insolent brat." She went back inside her castle. Now I understand why you want to run Taehyung. I hope you can. I'm sorry. I left the entrance to the castle not looking back at it.

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