Arranged marriage

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"My prince please wake up the king and queen have something important to talk about." The maid said as I turned in my bed.

I opened my eyes and sat up. "Are my sisters down already?" I asked her and she nodded. "Did they tell you what it's about?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Only that it's very important and that you should be down stairs soon." She said and I gave her a smile.

"Alright then." I said as I got up and walked towards the bathroom. "Have my clothes ready please." I spoke and she nodded.

I enjoyed a hot shower. When I was finished I looked in the mirror. My hair was wet and it was dripping. I'm getting bored of my natural colour.

I let out a sigh and started to dry my hair as I walked out of the bathroom. The maid had already left.

She layed out clothes. I quickly dried myself of and put on my clothes.

 I quickly dried myself of and put on my clothes

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(He's wearing this shirt and pants)

I took my phone and went downstairs. I headed towards the dining room and I was greeted by my family.

"Tae! You took your sweet time!" Jiu spoke and I laughed. "What's so wrong with that eh?" I asked.

"Tsk no manners at all don't you know it's very important to be punctual tae oppa." Yoohyeon spoke.

She only calls me oppa when our parents are around to make her look respectful. "Whatever you say Yoo. Morning mother, father." I bowed slightly.

"Taehyung dear sit down." Mother said as I sat down and took some food. "Now that we're all here. We have something important to say." Father spoke.

I was eating some toast. Nodding that he could continue. "Now Taehyung your almost turning 19 and well I'm getting old." He said.

"What are you saying father?" I asked him a tad confused. "Well your the crowns successor and your still single." He trailed of.

My mind went all directions. He didn't mean no he couldn't mean. "Did you." But before I could finish he spoke.

"We found a wonderful girl for you to marry and you will in 2 months." He finished.

"What?! But father you can't do that to me!" I shouted and he didn't like that.

I looked at my sibling and they gave me a sad look. They knew I wanted to find love and not marry some girl I don't know.

I couldn't take it so I just ran out. I ran towards my room.

"Taehyung come back her immediately!" Father shouted. "Father he won't listen you dropped a bomb like that. I'll go talk to him but I can't promise anything after all we all know how much he wants to marry out of love." Jiu said and left.

I heard a knock on my door. "Go away!" I yelled I really didn't want to hear it or be disturbed.

"Tae it's me let me in our I'll kick your door in." Jiu said and I sighed and went to my door unlocking it.

She saw my pouty face and immediately hugged me. I hugged her back. "I'm sorry Taehyung. I didn't think they would do this. I mean they said they would let you marry out of love." Jiu spoke.

"Guess not. Here goes another promise they broke." I let out an annoyed sigh. "Knock knock can I come in." Yoohyeon said as she walked In.

"After all its not a sibling hug without me." She said and also hugged us. "I'm really pissed at them." She said annoyed.

We both looked at her confused. "After you guys left they said they also found someone for me to marry. Some prince from some place! I mean are they insane first you and now me?" She complained.

"They seriously did that?" I asked her and she nodded. "Why did they only keep there promise with Jiu? Why must they break it with us. I mean you only married last year." Yoohyeon pouted.

"I have no clue either Yoo." She looked down. She felt sad that they only kept there promise with her and not her younger siblings.

"I need to let out some frustration. I want to dye my hair again Jiu can you help me?" Yoo pleaded.

"Of course." She smiled. "Yay thanks." She jumped in joy. "Want me to do yours to Tae?" Jiu asked me and I nodded happily.

"Alright then we should do it tonight or else mom and dad will put an halt to it because there gonna say we just did it recently." Jiu spoke and we both nodded.

"Do you think mother and father will listen to me if I have a proposal for them?" I asked. "Maybe but whatever it is you should definitely try." Yoohyeon said and Jiu agreed.

"Alright then I'm going. If I'm not back you know I'm dead." I joked. "Yah stay alive hear me!" Yoohyeon yelled.

I chuckled and left to there workstudy. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer to come in.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked inside. I went and sat in the chair and they looked at me. "Mother father I have a proposal. Please listen to me before you say anything." I spoke and they nodded.

"First I'm very sorry for raising my voice and running out on you. Second remember the promise you made to us. The one where we could marry out of love?" I asked and I saw there expression change to sad ones.

"Well how about you let me go out of the castle to try and find love. If I haven't found love within the next 2 months I'll marry that girl."

"However if I do find love you'll cancel the arranged marriage and same with Yoohyeon's she's still to young to get married." I spoke.

"Listen up son because of the promise we made I shall allow you to do so. But only if the woman you fall in love with loves you back. I will cancel the wedding and same with Yoohyeon's" my father spoke and a smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you mother and father!" I said as I bowed and left. I was happy and full of joy. I quickly went and told my siblings and they were so happy especially Yoohyeon because if I was able to find love she would be free from her marriage.

I cannot let her down. I will find love no matter what.

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