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hii im back again i missed yall so much!!!!

I heard what she said and i know it sounds familliar but i have no clue how. I dont know who she said it to. I need to know where i know it from and who's this person who she loves?

I'll find out who he is and ill deal with him! Wait why am i getting this worked up about this!! It's not like me and Jennie where dating or something. So why am i jealous of this unknown love of her live.

Maybe because we had a connection and i really like her a lot. aaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! this is so frustrating!

"Tae?!" Jennie yelled and snapped her fingers infront my of my eyes. "W-What?" i asked her and she chuckled. " You where spacing out again haha." she spoke

"Yea i was sorry, did you say anything important or something?" i asked her and she shook her head and smiled at me. "Okay then let's go home then." i said and smiled.

She grabbed my hand and smiled as we walked home. I had to try hard to hide my blush. I felt really happy and another feeling I couldn't get rid of.

But I liked that feeling a lot. I wanted that feeling to last. This feeling contained that I trusted her with my life and that I would die for her. It also made me feel happy whenever I see her and sad when I'm away from her.

I love this feeling but then again I don't when it makes me sad. So this means I need to be with her all the time.

"Tae." She flicked my forehead. "Ouchhh." I winced of pain. I rubbed my poor forehead. "Why did you do that?!" I said a little loud.

"You where daydreaming again." She smiled her cute smile at me. "Ah sorry." I said and we continued to walk and eventually we reached her house.

"I'll see ya tomorrow." She said and I nodded my head and waved goodbye. Then I left for home.


I should tell him the truth. I should tell him everything. Me and Tae were walking home. "Hey Tae I need to tell you something." I said and I let out a sigh.

"Tae in truth we are gods who live up above. We fell in love. We started hanging out ever since I saved you and your little sister. But my mother didn't let our love flow."

"Because I'm the princess of our realm and your nothing but a commoner. But that didn't bother me. I still loved you with all my heart and I still do. But we are here in this mess because of my mother."

"She poisoned us and cursed us with this curse. We have lived 6 human lifetimes and this is our last life. Our 7th lifetime. If we don't do what she wants will die. Unless we can return to our realm.

"It's either one of us has to die in order to save the other but I won't allow that. After all it's no life if I'm not living it with you. What should we do now?" I asked him.

He didn't respond. "Tae?" I said. "Tae!" I yelled and he snapped out of his trance.

"W-What?" He asked me. "You were daydreaming." I said and laughed a little.

"Oh well did you say anything?" He asked me. Oh Tae how I wish you heard me but then again maybe you'd think I'm crazy.

I just shook my head and smiled as we continued to walk. Your daydreaming always comes in a bad but yet good time.

However how we are gonna fix this dilemma is all a mystery to me though. I arrived home and waved while I said "I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and waved me goodbye and left.

Oh Kim Taehyung you always make me so happy with just the littlest chestures. I love you so much and I would die for you!


Short chapter but don't worry next will be longer!!!

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