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Okay so it took me a month haha to continue writing lmao I'm so sorry also ik I promised to update yesterday but I got really unexpectedly busy so yea. My apologies:) so pls enjoy!

I couldn't breath. I looked at my mom and she was looking at me with sadness in her eyes. I choked and tried to grab something but I couldn't.

The air was getting thinner by the second. I couldn't move and I swear I got red. My mother didn't do anything to help but look at me.

"Help me!" I tried to scream but no words came out. I tried to talk but yet again I couldn't not even a bare whisper came out.

Until finally the air left completely and everything started getting dizzy and started spinning. I fell to the ground and hit the hard grass.

I was in this dark space and I was falling. I saw the ground get closer to me. The ground had these sharp hard and piercing spikes come out of it. I was closing in fast on them.

Oh god is this where I'm going to die? This is a fate worse then what alimaja had experienced. She was eating alive by a shark who got eaten by a dragon and the she crawled out of it. But some bitch froze her so now she's stuck as an iced statue.

It's a very powerful ice spell so no one was able to break it. So really she's alive but unable to do anything and I'm here dying like a useless chicken on a stake?!

I'm the princess of the gods?! How could I die this way? All these thoughts took a longer time then I thought because I was literally a second away from being shiskabab.

So I screamed at the top of my lungs. Suddenly I shot up screaming. My eyes adjusted to the bright light and I looked around. I stopped screaming of course.

I was in the hospital. As soon as I realised that doctors and nurses and people came swarming in.

The doctor made me follow a flashlight and did all sort of checkups to come to the conclusion that I'm completely fine.

Wow he's a genius and you study like 9 years for this? Pff he would be a genius if he figured out I'm a goddess haha.

Anyways after the doctor left I saw my step sister and mother. Oh that bitch. "Jennie." Yuna spoke with relief as I moved my head towards her.

"Go away." I said without hesitation. "Jennie don't be so rude." Minji spoke. "Listen after what she and my mother did to me. I don't want to talk to her anymore." As I said that I saw her gasp and she nodded.

"We will talk about this later Jennie. So I can explain everything to you clearly. After all memories aren't everything. They are sometimes deceitful when it comes to details." She added and left together with Minji.

I let out a sigh as I watched them leave my room and pass the window. Then my heart started beating faster and I knew why. I immediately snapped my eyes to him.

He looked like a mess and he hadn't slept at all. I didn't hesitate and I just jumped out of bed and ran to him. I indulged him in to the most heartfelt and biggest hug ever.

He didn't hesitate to hug me back. Oh I looked up to his lips. Oh how I wanted to kiss those lips but I couldn't because he didn't know about our past. He doesn't know what I know.

One thought crossed my mind I need to go back to his library and find that book again and go to the chapter and read it all.
(A/n you guys remember the name of the book and chapter I'm referring to? If you do comment it and you'll get a shoutout and chapter dedicated to you haha.)

I let go of him and smelled the air and it stank. "Oh someone needs to get in a bath." I said and he chuckled nervously.

"So how long was I out?" I asked and he looked down. "7 months." He said. I was shocked. I was in a coma for that long.

I needed to be in a coma for that long to retrieve all my memories? Oh god I can't put him through that I don't want him to be in a coma for 7 months. I can't live without him.

"But your back now and that's all that matters." He said and I nodded. "Now that you know that you need to get a lottt of rest and a few baths." I said and he nodded.

"Now I'll go pack and change and I'll meet u outside to go to ur home. Because I don't trust that you will sleep or bath at all." I said and he laughed and walked outside.

I quickly got dressed and packed but before I could leave she walked in. Well more like poofed in. She looked shocked that I was awake already.

"Ah J-Jennie." She was nervous as hell. I had this annoyed look on my face. "Why the hell are you here mother?!" I asked and she gasped of shock.

"Y-You know?" She asked me. "Yes I know everything btw all my memories returned as I was in that coma. I relived everything. Everything you did to me." I shouted out.

"I did it for your best interest my dear." She replied. "My best interest my ass! If you wanted my best interest you would've let me be with the man I love with all my heart. In fact he owns my heart." I said.

"But nooo you had to go and meddle and curse us so we live 7 human live times and find each other and get torn apart over and over again. Just so in the end you would think I would choose you?! But I won't this is my last life and I choose Taehyung mother! So what if he isn't of a royal god bloodline! I don't care about that."

"Love is love and you can't choose who you fall for but you can choose to stay with them or not. I choose to stay with him no matter what. Even if this means we don't get to return to the city of gods I don't care. I know he would care either as long as we're together." I said and I left.

She left not realising one person heard the entire conversation. But when he heard the door open he acted like he just got there. Smiling at her site but wondering what she was talking about and why that woman sounded so familiar. Why he felt like he knew what she was talking about. It was all a big mystery to him. One he didn't have all the answers to yet.

Tada haha
So I've decided to schedule my updates so next update is coming Wednesday 14th of October so look forward to it. Also we almost reached 7K reads on this book?!!! This is insane Mann. I've also got a new book coming out later today so look forward to that to:) love you lovies

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