3. Confusion

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As they observed the creatures in fear, quaking inside, Y/N felt a surge of dizziness wash over them. It was like the world was spinning around them, faster than light. As their weary eyes started to close, a pair of arms snaked around their waist and yanked them backwards before they collapsed, surrounding by the edging darkness...




Slowly they woke up, groaning in pain. Y/N squinted their eyes at the blinding light before them as a few tears stumbled down their cheeks. Glancing over away from the light, they noticed a small note on the table alongside them. Reaching out for it, they pulled back and winced in pain as a sharp burning sensation arose through their arm. 

A small lady lightly knocked on the door before strolling inside carefully. "Good morning," she smiled, closing the navy curtains, "I'm guessing the light was too much for you to bear right now, considering your state." She lightly laughed before sitting in an armchair nearby. 

"What do you mean, 'my state'?" The tired human mumbled, vigorously rubbing their eyes. The lady subtly glanced over at their arm, indicating something.

"Well, you got a concussion...and a broken arm too following that." She thought, resting her chin in her flushed palm. "Luckily, a kind gentleman carried you here. He was so worried for you- it was honestly quite cute!" The woman chuckled to herself, before grasping a cup in her hands. "Here, drink this. It's special moon-dust ingredients should help replenish your energy in no time," 

Whilst they drank the small tea, they couldn't help but notice her beauty. Her lush, vanilla hair fell just past her chest, her golden eyes gleaming the bright stars in the night sky. They were abruptly snapped out of their trance when she lightly flicked their nose, softly laughing at their flustered face. "Sorry..."Y/N murmured under their breath.

Whilst they sat there in an awkward silence, another array of gentle knocking was heard at the door, this time more elegant. When the door creaked ajar, they recognised the pair of glimmering blue eyes and sapphire hair. The slender figure quickly dusted off his coat before sitting down on another chair beside them. The woman gave the two a small smile as she walked away.

"So, are you feeling alright?" He asked, awkwardness laced in his tone, but ever so slightly. "It was a nasty fall you endured a while after you collapsed," Stardust mumbled, placing his hand on the forehead, feeling their temperature. His eyes averted to the note he left on the side table, assuming they didn't read it.

"What happened after I passed out?"


✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now