19. Risks

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Opening their eyes, Y/N twisted their head and saw that Starlight was fats asleep. A small smile crossed over their face, realising this could be an opportunity to escape him. Slowly creeping out of the bed, they cautiously tip-toed their way towards his door. Turning around to check if he had awoken, they reached for the doorknob.

"Y/N baby...what are you doing?..." Starlight mumbled, sleepily speaking.

"Oh uh, just preparing a surprise for you" They muttered back to him, to which he nodded and rolled back over. A sigh of relief left their lips, gently twisting the handle and leaving the bedroom.

Peering round the corner, they suddenly came to the fact that this wouldn't be an easy exit. Guards protected the escape door. But, an idea came into their mind. Even though, it really wouldn't be the best choice of idea. Sneaking past the gap in the walls, their eyes latched onto something red in the distance: the fire alarm. 

Reaching for the trigger, they quickly pressed the button and braced for the result. Several guards darted to Starlight's room to make sure he was okay, whilst the rest panicked and were distracted. Seizing the opportunity, and amidst the deafening blares of the alarm, they bolted to the door and left that specific area. Looking around frantically, they were met with two things. Stairs, and an elevator.

Rushing to the elevator, their eyes widened as they noticed it was locked due to the fire alarm being set off. Footsteps were heard in the distance. Realising their fate, their legs ran as fast as they could up the staircase, up several flights. Y/N could hear the guards nearby, following right behind them.

There was an automatic door that was open, due to the fire alarm to help people escape. By the second it was closing, and there was little time left before they were re-captured. They sprinted, managing to make it out in time as the doors slammed shut. Their arms were scratched by the rough metal encasing the spikes, but they had still made it out. They doubled over, panting heavily, legs trembling.

After calming down, they scanned the area. It was fairly quiet, and the sun was just over the horizon of tall buildings. But, it felt awfully familiar. Their brain snapped to it: this hideout they'd been locked in was nearby to the hotel Y/N had been sharing with Stardust before they were kidnapped by his brother.

But, they knew Stardust wouldn't be there, for Starlight's words suggested he'd been imprisoned. Looking nearby, Y/N crossed the streets before starting to run, knowing Starlight's bodyguards would already be on the hunt for them. 

Eventually, they came across a gas station nearby and took shelter there, too tired to keep running. Checking if the coast was clear, they went inside and crouched down behind an aisle. Softly sighing, they breathed a breath of fresh air, finally free from the villain's clutches. Just as they were going to sleep, a gentle hand came and tapped their shoulder...

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now