15. Enamoured

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Y/N yawned, stretching their arms out. Despite the circumstances last night, they had woken up feeling somewhat rested and a calm aura resonated deep within. A soft smile found it's way onto their complexions as they gazed out the window. The sun was above the buildings, suggesting it was possibly noon. Even though they'd seen this room a thousand times and that Y/N would always constantly seem to end up there, it felt somewhat peaceful this time.

The door gently swung open, Stardust flashing them a soft smile. "Morning love; how did you sleep?" He asked in a sweet voice, sounding almost like honey. It appeared like he'd became oblivious to what happened last night. Shrugging it off, they gave him a small nod in response. He sat down beside them on the bed, pulling them into his lap.

"Can we please go outside?" They softly begged, hoping that he'd understand that people do need to go outside every once in a while. His sapphire eyes narrowed, before his features softened once more. A small sigh escaped his lips, as he glanced down at them.

"Whatever makes you happy, dear" Stardust replied, brushing a few stray crystal hairs out of his face. "Where would you like to go?" He queried them, curious as to what they wanted to do today. After all, it was the weather for taking a stroll outside.


Stardust grinned, watching them pull him along excitedly to the next ride. Never had he expected his dear to be so enthusiastic about parks. But here he was, following behind them. They both had spent the last few hours at the theme park. After all, he decided last night that he'd prioritise their needs to satisfy them; he couldn't lose them to Starlight, his brother.

The only downside is that a few times they bumped into him, the brothers exchanging glares. As Y/N waved at Starlight, he turned away, not seeming interested in them at the moment. Their heart sank, wondering why starlight didn't want to interact if he was outside at a park. But in his perspective, he was on a mission: a secret, important one which prioritised their safety and location

A short while later, Stardust brought them to a small table, having carrying them to it. Y/N had been whining for the past 5 minutes that their legs had started hurting, so he suggested to carry them around. They sat down opposite each other, the cosmo not being able to help but gaze into their eyes. It pulled him into a trance. But, he trance he craved and loved being stuck in. It was addictive; and most certainly obsessive.

"Starry~" They whined once more, seeming sweaty and exhausted.

"Yes darling?" He quickly responded, snapping out his dream.

"Can I have an ice-cream?" They mumbled, softly panting after being out in the beaming sun for hours. A smile grew on his face at their words, standing up and glancing around quickly, checking for no signs of Starlight. Once he'd decided to coast was clear, he headed over to get Y/N and ice-cream.

Seizing the chance, Starlight slid into Stardust's place, earning a small gasp from Y/N. "Look, I don't have much time. Can you help me in receiving people's attention that there's a runaway criminal here. I need you to-"

At that moment, he could sense his brother heading back. Before he darted back into the bushes, he pressed his lips against Y/N's cheek and hid, returning to spying on them. "Hey dear," Stardust grinned, holding an ice-cream for them. "Can we go into a more secluded area? I think people are starting to get suspicious..."

Y/N nodded, following behind him. As they finished their ice-cream, Stardust glanced over at them and chuckled. He gently brushed his fingertip over a spot of ice-cream on their nose. Y/N flushed as he did this, a smile tugging at his lips. HE leaned forward and gently kissed their nose, which instinctively lead him to do something he'd never thought he'd do: he wrapped and arm around their waist and leaned forward, placing a hand behind their head as he pressed his lips against theirs.

A deep blush spread across their face, but didn't stop them from kissing him back. They were wound up in a passionate kiss in the dark, embracing each other. Yet, oh how they didn't notice Starlight watching them from the bushes. "Oh how the media will love this story~" A flash of a camera snapped through the bushes went unnoticed, rushing off into the abyss of the evening...

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now