8. Trust

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Stardust had woken up early that morning, his crystal eyes gazing over their figure. He smiled softly to himself, but it resonated a deceitful one. He hated to lie to them; but it was for their own safety. Last thing he needed was for them to abandon him. It was like they'd already formed a bond with each other.

As he murmured to himself, he heard a small yawn come from Y/N. He turned around and lay back down next to them, wrapping his arm around their waist. "Morning..." He whispered softly into their ear, running his fingers through their hair.

Y/N opened their eyes and glanced at him tiredly. "You know...you remind me of someone..." They mumbled, observing his features. Stardust nervously laughed and averted his attention, swearing under his breath. They were getting onto something. And he didn't like it. 

"I don't know what you're talking about?" He chuckled slightly, trying to play it cool, "maybe you're assuming the wrong person?" Y/N nodded at his words, probably because they were only half-conscious at this moment. He sighed a breath of relief, glad that he managed to persuade them that it was false: but that was a lie.


"Stardust!" Y/N called out from the main room, staring the TV. As he entered the room, his eyes widened as his sapphire eyes stared at the screen with almost fear. The news station had reported the murder of an innocent civilian at the dead of night, by an almost human-sized bird with a blue shine. "Poor guy..." Y/N sighed, "Do you know who did it?". 

Stardust shook his head, sitting beside them. Grasping the remote, he flicked channels, knowing what would've came on next- a brighter version of the image, which would've looked exactly like him. He needed to convince them that it was just propaganda, and that it was all a misconception. That would be difficult though. But, he stirred up an idea: he'd have to keep them locked away from society in his hotel room, and constantly watch over them, like a bodyguard.

He gently pushed their head into his chest, patting their hair affectionately. "You'll never leave me, right?..."

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now