17. Hostage

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(Edit, 29/6/23- Yeah uh, it doesn't make sense the opening to this, but I'm too tired to write it out. Basically, you got kidnapped)

A loud splutter and cough escaped their lips, almost as if thick smog had intoxicated their lungs. Their shivering body jolted awake, met with an eerie aura of a pitch black room. A small whimper could be heard, as their eyes desperately searched the room. Their arms were bound by steel to the wall, bolted in securely to prevent them from escaping. Whoever had abducted them wasn't in the right mindset. After all, Y/N was an innocent person.

Suddenly, a tall, looming figure tapped their shoulder, sending a chill through their body as hey slowly turned around. Their fearful eyes met a hazy red glow: Starlight. His cloak was draped over their fragile body in attempt to keep them from freezing, but still, his intent was malicious; they could sense it.

"What do you want from me?..." Y/N voice's quivered. Starlight's lips curled upwards into a smirk at their trepidation. Something about them being panicked by his presence made him feel powerful and dominative.

"Oh relax Darling, I only kidnapped you for your own good!" A taunting laugh escaped his mouth, corners upright flashing them a devious smile. It was sinister and horrifying for them. They didn't know how to react. Stardust kidnapped them, but it only for their safety to warn them against strangers. But this time it was no joke: it was real, a potential threat before them. "Now dear, be quiet or else I'll rip your sweet little tongue out,"

A devilish grin spread across his cheeks, making him appear as a serial killer from their worst nightmares. Never did they expect Starlight to ever desire of kidnapping them. But here they were, right now, in this predicament. It was all their fault for trusting him.

But, they never remembered leaving the house yesterday. "Wait, what happened to Stard-" Starlight silenced them by firmly pressing a gloved finger to their lips.

"Remember what I said sweetheart." He pulled his finger away from them. "So, anyways, you probably are confused and terrified, wondering why you are here. Well, so I can tarnish Stardust's reputation. He ruined my life, and all of this is for revenge."


"You mean...you're going to blame my disappearance on him?! You fuck-" His hand tightly gripped their jaw as Starlight rummaged around his pocket before pulling out a knife. His eyes widened manically, gazing down at them with craze.

"Hush sweetheart~" He pressed the knife against the left corner of their lip, making Y/N tremble fearfully. Starlight was about to slit there mouth at any moment. Just as he started to drag the knife, one of his supposed henchmen entered the room.

The dark-haired male stared at Starlight before clearing his throat. "The meeting on live TV is ready now Sir," He emotionlessly spoke, slightly bowing his head as he turned to leave again.

Starlight leant down and whispered into their ear. "You've been saved this time sweetie. But just remember, you won't be as fortunate next time~" His twisted words made them sick to the core, their stomach churning. The star headed out the room, slamming and locking the door behind him.

Y/N sighed, hopes fading away. This would probably be the last time they'd ever see Stardust. For they had fell victim into Starlight's trap of madness, only desiring revenge on his brother. This couldn't be the end for them, right?...

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now