22. Memorable

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Buttercream sighed, a frown forming on his lips. "Are you sure? I mean normally we don't usually let random people to visit the inmates this early. But considering you're a friend..."

Guards walk up to the cell, hesitantly pushing the dull key inside and straining to twist it against the rotted keyhole. The iron door let out a screech against the tiled floors, before coming to a halt. A shadowy figure lay on the floor, too burned-out to move.

"Oi number 085 get up." The guard grumbled, his voice jolting the figure out of his sleep. "Someone's here to visit you."

As Y/N focused on the figure and entered the cell, it was Stardust. He weakly looked up at them, his once shimmering blue eyes dull and lifeless. Y/N knelt beside him and placed their warm hand on his face. At first, he shied away, afraid of the physical contact, but suddenly leaned his face into the touch. His head turned around and gently kissed their palm, nuzzling it. It was if he'd been deprived of contact.

"You're here...why?" Stardust questioned almost sceptically. His azure hair fell over his complexions as if he were trying to hide himself away, ashamed. Sighing, Y/N shifted beside him and hugged him to provide him with a sense of comfort. 

"Why do you think? I missed you so..." They mumbled, burying their face against his neck. A soft shudder left Stardust's lips at the sensation of their warmth breath against his cold skin. Their hands reached and fumbled with a pin, trying to unlock his cuffs restricting him.

The moment they came undone, Stardust grabbed Y/N and pulled them into his lap, holding them close to his chest...as if he were to loosen they'd disappear from existence. Brushing their hair away from their eyes, Stardust gazed down at them, almost lovingly. His soft eyes darted down to their lips for a second, breathing hitching, and then meeting their vision.

Guards were nowhere to be seen. Supposedly because Y/N had been so adamant to Buttercream about visiting Stardust, they trusted that Y/N could take care of themself.

Just a moment later, a blinding light shines inside of the cell. Stardust's hand quickly presses over Y/N's eyes to protect them. It was Buttercream. "Stardust, the judge overturned the verdict, you've been allowed to go free on probation for the next week until new evidence comes in."



GUYS I AM SO SORRY FOR A SHORT CHAPTER AND NOT UPLOADING IN A YEAR. I had to take a hiatus for mental health, but I didn't suspect it'd be a year. Anyways, I'm so overwhelmed by the support this book has received so thank you guys so much for 300 votes. I swear on my life I'll continue to update, probably the new chapter will be released shortly (Warning, smut next chapter for my horny readers...)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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