6. Affiliation

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Y/N slowly woke up early in the morning. A soft sound of gentle snoring flowed through their eardrums. A pair of arms were snaked around their waist as the person held them close. Cautiously, Y/N rolled over, blushing profusely when they were met with Stardust's peaceful face inches away from theirs. Trying to shake the thought away, they attempted to move, but stopped dead when they felt him start shifting in the bed.

"Morning," He softly smiled, "did I scare you? Sorry, I had gotten a bit cold last night..." He offered a sheepish smile before sitting upright and stretching. "Plus you looked cute when you were asleep...I couldn't help it" Stardust murmured, lightly blushing too. 

After properly waking up, Y/N moved to head to the living room of the hotel room when his arms wrapped around their waist, pulling them back to him. He gently spun them around, tenderly kissing their forehead. "Don't go yet..." He leant his head on their shoulder, sounding sleepy still. Sighing, Y/N sat back down on the bed, allowing Stardust to rest on their shoulder. A small noise escaped his lips, almost sounding like a purr.

~Timeskip, 2 Hours

Whilst Stardust was occupying the bathroom, Y/N lazily slouched on the sofa, flipping through channels. Nothing seemed of interest to them at the time. Sighing, they rested their chin on their palm. They blushed at the thought of him shirtless. They had no idea why this intrusive thought had entered their mind, but they couldn't stop imagining it. It was like a tattoo.

In the midst of a dream, they didn't notice Stardust stood behind them. He gently placed his hands on their shoulders, chuckling as they gasped fearfully before sighing a breath of relief. "I thought it was a serial killer-" Y/N mumbled, blushing embarrassedly. As they turned around to stare at him, their eyes widened, gasping softly as they stared at his chest. It had small beads of water dripping down it; which supposedly made it more attractive to gaze at it.

"Sorry..." He whispered under his breath, giving another sheepish smile at their reaction, "I couldn't find my shirt anywhere..." He walked off into the bedroom, rummaging through his drawers. It almost felt unreal- the way his abs were almost sculpted, like something straight out of an anime.

~Another Timeskip, 6 Hours

Yet another afternoon had passed, and they hadn't gone out anywhere. They chilled on the sofa, watching any movie or documentary they had found. Y/N had slowly fell asleep, falling into his lap. Stardust softly smiled at how pure they appeared sleeping; it was heart-warming to see them pretty much comfortable enough around him. However, a small frown descended over his features- What if they found out about his dark secret? They'd surely despise him. He knew that he had to protect them away from harmful people who'd tell them the sinister truth about him.

As he mumbled to himself about all the negative things that could happen, Y/N stirred, glancing up weakly at him as held them against his chest. "Are you okay?..." They tiredly asked him, sounding adorable and kind despite their state.

"Yes I'm fine, sweetheart" He smiled reassuringly, his words sounding like honey. It was obviously a lie to deceive them, which they just nodded and went back to sleep. "Oh Darling, the way you make me fall for your purity..."

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now