14. Imprisoned

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"Morning darling!~" Spoke a cheery voice, cupping Y/N's cheek. A small groan escaped their lips, clutching their head tightly. Their mind was once again blank again from what happened last night. As they opened their weary eyes, they interlocked with his sapphire ones. A smile rested on his lips, happy to see them again. He wrapped his arms around their waist and pulled them onto his lap.

Stardust softly petted their head, occasionally running his hands through their hair affectionately. "How did you sleep, my love?" He asked with adoration, brushing his thumb over their cheek. They didn't remember ever dating him, let alone him calling them 'love'. It seemed oddly weird how he called them pet names, as if he had known them for a lifetime previously.

They blankly stared at him, sighing softly. All they wanted was to remember what had happened previously. "Dear, are you okay? You seem troubled..." His hands wandered down to their shoulders, softly gripping at them.

"I'm fine," Y/N murmured, a blatant lie at that. As they stared into his eyes, an uneasy feeling washing over them. It was like he was hiding something away from them, a deep and dark secret supposedly. Sighing softly, they got up from the bed and attempted to go to the bathroom, trying to avoid him.

At that moment, Stardust grasped them and pulled them back into his arms. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked them, a near-stern expression resting on his face. Y/N scoffed, rolling their eyes at his words. "Anyways, you and I. We're going to stay here, and have a nice long talk about your disobedience, aren't we~" a sinister grin was on his lips.


Y/N turned away, pissed off at him. For the past 30 minutes, he'd been relentlessly scolding them for abandoning him. Of course, it was pure bullshit to them. They didn't care about what he had to say: the whole thing was a disgrace to their freedom. Freedom is a right, not a privilege. But Stardust begged to differ on that. 

He grasped their hair, yanking them back by their roots. He proceeded to hold them in a chokehold, arm wrapped around their neck tightly. Y/N whimpered at the pain. "Tell me you are going to obey. Now." He sternly whispered, toxicity in his voice. They felt like venom piercing their body, freezing them. They squirmed, desperately trying to free themselves from his hold; yet he didn't budge. He continued to tightly choke them, slowly and painfully. All he craved was to that one solemn word, to hear them give in and submit to them.

After all, they were stuck with him now, and there was nothing they could do about it...

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now