7. Attachment

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They slowly woke up at what appeared to be morning again. It was almost like yesterday; Stardust had his arms and legs entwined around their protectively. Sighing, Y/N attempted to wriggle free and managed to successfully managed to escape without disturbing him. Sneakily, they creeped out of the bedroom and stopped. They didn't have his keys to leave. 

All they wanted to just go out on a small walk, to relieve some pressure. They weren't sure what this pressure was, but they craved fresh air. Sneaking back into the bedroom, they observed their surroundings. Almost coincidentally, they spotted they silver shine of glistening keys on his drawers. Carefully they grasped them and sneaked back out, opening the hotel door.

As they made their way into the calm streets, a sense of calm washed over them. Y/N took their leisurely time and strolled down the streets gazing at all the buildings. If this was going to be their forever town, they might as well at least be able to explore it. 

Whilst walking, a figure hurried over to them. Y/N turned away and went to run, worried it was a criminal. "Wait!" The person called out to them. Y/N froze, turning around. Panting, the male doubled over, gasping for air. Once he regained the ability to speak, he glanced up at them. "You need to listen to me. Stardust is your boyfriend, right?"

"Well, uh, not explicitly my boyfriend, no." They mumbled awkwardly, waiting for the stranger to continue.

"You see, he is trying to hide a dark truth about himself from you. But to no avail, he won't be to hide it from you anymore. Stardust...he-"

At that specific moment, someone tightly grabbed onto Y/N, slightly sobbing. Stardust buried his head into their side, almost fake-crying. "Where were you?!" He softly cried, holding onto them tighter. Y/N sighed, glancing over at the stranger who frowned, clearly not trusting him. Stardust grasped their wrist tightly, dragging them back to the hotel. He gave a glare to the stranger, full-well knowing what he was going to reveal.

~Timeskip, In The Hotel

"Y/N... why did you leave me...?" he softly sobbed, nuzzling into their neck as he gently cupped their cheek with one hand. They sighed, slightly irritated. "What did he say to you?" His voice grew stern as he pulled away, staring into their eyes deeply, almost boring into their soul. They averted their attention into the corner, becoming a bit embarrassed by the eye-contact as his closeness.

"Nothing..." They mumbled silently, sighing again with frustration. Stardust leaned forward and gently kissed their lips, gazing into their eyes with concern. They lightly blushed at his gesture, their cheeks flushing. He gave them a half-sympathetic look, knowing that they're hiding something from him.

He leant forward and whispered into their ear: "I promise you can tell me anything, Y/N. I promise on my life that I won't get mad at you..." He tenderly kissed it after before moving away, cupping their cheeks with both hands. His thumb caressed over them, making them redder.

~Timeskip, 7 Hours

Stardust started feeling an unbearable itch, desperate to turn into his true form. He quickly but carefully pulled away from Y/N, sneaking off into the balcony. He leant over the edge, sighing before his breathing pace picked up.

Almost in the span of 3 seconds, he transformed. His majestic winds spread out; eyes igniting a blue flame. Gazing down at the innocent town, he watched as the citizens below passed, eyeing up the person who attempted to spill his secret to Y/N.

He flew down from the balcony, landing in front of the male. And with a short scream, he disappeared. Just like that. Sighing a breath of relief that he was now gone, Stardust smirked at the dead body, leaning down to gently lick some blood of the male's face.

Stardust made his way back, soaring to the balcony before returning back to his regular form. He slowly made his way back, cuddling tightly with his pure-hearted, innocent darling. "Goodnight, my love. May your heart be guided by the stars..."

✧𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧✧ Stardust CookieWhere stories live. Discover now