Chapter Four

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Once they got back, Sunny went to the kitchen and put his little white bag down on the counter, then sitting next to Kel on the sofa, where Kel had put on the TV for them.

"Want to watch a movie?" Kel suggested, wrapping his arm round Sunny's shoulders as Sunny sat down beside him.

"Sure," Sunny said, cozying up into Kel's side, making his stomach turn with butterflies.

"Awesome!" Kel exclaimed, trying to seem calm, "How about Peter Pan?"

Sunny agreed and Kel quickly got up to put in the DVD, hurrying back to settle down with Sunny again.

"I haven't watched this in ages," Sunny commented as the opening scene started.

"Well, guess we're changing that, then," said Kel, grinning.

The two turned and watched it intently, making little comments on what was going on, laughing at intervals and just overall enjoying each others company. They both liked the movie, and when it ended, they turned to each other and started talking about their favorite bits.

"Loved their reaction to just casually flying away from their house," Kel laughed, his eyes shining.

Sunny nodded, agreeing with him, looking at Kel with a dull expression, but a small smile curled at the corners of Sunny's lips, which made Kel even happier.

"Anyway," Kel coughed, clearing his throat before he became too distracted with Sunny's pale face, "How about we go set up a mattress in your room? It's gotten sorta late."

Once again, Sunny agreed and the two friends traiped up the stairs, Sunny clinging anxiously to Kel's hand, who squeezed his hand reassuringly. The two went to a closet, grabbing the mattress, and together managed to drag it to Sunny's room and set it up beside his bed. Sunny grabbed extra pillows and blankets, and with the help of Kel, managed to set up an admirable pillow fort.

"It's amazing!" Kel almost squealed, refraining himself since he didn't want to embarrass himself, instead swinging his arm round Sunny's shoulders once more in happiness, "I think it's the best pillow fort we've ever made, wouldn't you agree?"

"I still think we should've added some boxes to it," Sunny commented, gently leaning his head on Kel's shoulder, "we could put stuff in them."

Kel laughed, remembering when they were kids when Sunny and Mewo fell asleep in a large box together, and saw Sunny smile to himself while looking at Kel, clearly remembering it too.

"Now, second order of business-" Kel started, but got cut off when Sunny swung a pillow in his direction, hitting him smack in the face and made him stumble over.

Kel looked up at Sunny, stunned, yet also was pleased to see that Sunny was grinning at him, a proper one that wasn't forced.

"This is WAR!" Kel yelled, grabbing another nearby pillow and practically launched it at Sunny, who skillfully blocked it, with the first pillow, then picked it up in his other land and launched two pillows back at Kel, who was trying his hardest to duck. Kel managed to avoid the first pillow, but got hit in his stomach with a second, stumbling slightly, but regaining himself almost instantly. Sunny was still rooting around for another pillow, so Kel took his chance, throwing a pillow with all of his force at Sunny, who was caught severely off guard and got thrown onto his bed.

"I reign supreme!" Kel called triumphantly, putting his hands on his hips proudly, watching as Sunny scrabbled to his feet.

"No fair, my back was turned," Sunny grumbled, sliding down to the floor with his crumpled bedsheets.

"Same could be said about when you threw the first pillow," Kel said slyly, crouching down before Sunny, patting down Sunny's scruffy hair.

"War isn't over," Sunny muttered, looking down.

Kel was confused for a split second, before he was hit over the head with a pillow, only just realising that while he was distracted, Sunny had got a pillow. He tried to scrabble up, but Sunny had hit him again. Kel covered his head, laughing, reaching his hand out and grabbing a pillow, turning onto his back and hitting Sunny's pillow out of his hand, getting to his feet quickly and wrapping his arm around Sunny's waist in one swift movement, dropping his pillow. Sunny stood still, stunned, looking up into Kel's eyes, Kel looking gently at Sunny in turn, their faces a hares breath away from each other. They both seemed to be stuck in that position, both trying to catch their breath, their faces pink and eyes shining with joy.

"Uhm.. anyway," Sunny said, calming himself, trying to stop his heart from beating so loudly, gently pushing himself away from Kel.

Kel let go of Sunny, running a hand through his hair, smiling and laughing awkwardly, trying to avoid any awkward questions that could follow, changing the subject swiftly.

"Right, we should probably get our pj's on!" Kel exclaimed, only just now realising he had only brought one pair of pyjamas and whatever he was wearing at that moment.

"You can change in the bathroom," Sunny said, his cheeks still dusted with pink, as he spun around to face his bed, hiding his face.

"Right," Kel agreed, about to turn to the door before stopping himself, "you'll be okay for a few minutes, right?"

He watched as Sunny nodded apprehensively, his pale hands making their way to a draw near him and taking out his pyjamas, and to Kel's surprise, they looked really similar to his everyday clothes, just long sleeved, but still with the shorts.

"I'll be riiight back," Kel said playfully, trying to seem lighthearted as he shut the door quietly behind him, leaving Sunny to change.

Around five minutes later, Kel entered the room again after knocking, seeing that Sunny had made himself comfortable in the fort they has built, which had, shockingly, stayed strong during their pillowfight. Kel slipped in beside Sunny, who was sat on one side of the mattress, so Kel got himself comfortable on the other side, tucking them both in under the blankets.

"I really enjoy hanging out with you, Sunny," Kel said sleepily as he laid down, reaching his hand out to hold Sunny's, "I don't know what I would've done if you died that day..."

Sunny laid down silently beside him, embracing Kel in one of the first hugs Sunny had voluntarily done in his life, listening as Kel started to snore quietly in the dark room.

"I'm sorry," Sunny uttered to the sleeping Kel, taking himself back from hugging Kel, and settled himself down beside him, enjoying the warmth that radiated from him, letting his tiredness envelop him, letting him drift off to sleep, and for the first time in four years, didn't feel guilty, and didn't dream of whitespace.

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