Chapter Eleven

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"Sunny, stop daydreaming!"

Kel was swinging on Sunny's desk chair, leaning on the back of it and blowing up a tuft of hair off his forehead. Sunny, however, was staring absent-mindedly at Kel as he sat on his bed, thinking about what had happened the previous day. What would have happened if Hero hadn't turned up? Sunny thought, swinging his legs as he pinched his thighs automatically. Where would we be now? Kel would never go for me... and is he even gay?

"Sun~" Kel called in a sing-song voice, wedging his foot against the bottom of the desk, keeping him mid swing.

Meanwhile, Sunny was still drowning in a pool of his own thoughts. I mean, we all know Aubrey's got a thing for Kim... wait, what's happened to Basil?

"Sunshine, snap out of it," Kel said, waving his hand in front of Sunny's face, making Sunny blink.

"Kel, what happened to Basil?" Sunny asked abruptly, sitting up straighter on his bed, waiting for the answer.

"Huh.. I don't think I know.." Kel thought aloud, going back to swinging on the chair but admiring Sunny as he did so, "I was making sure you were alright so I kinda forgot..."

Saying those words made both Kel and Sunny feel guilty. How could Sunny forget Basil? The one that had caused his injuries... his best friend. Wasn't Kel now his best friend, though? Conflicting thoughts needed to be sorted out at a better time, Sunny thought to himself, ignoring how his stomach squirmed. His primary objective now was to find Basil.

"Let's go look for him," Sunny said, standing up so quickly that it made Kel fall from Sunny's chair. He hit the ground with a thud, almost hitting his head on the corner of Sunny's desk, narrowly missing it. His drawers rattled. The clunk of his knife made Sunny panic, but Kel seemed... clueless about that specific noise. A noise that Sunny had heard multiple times before. Sunny shook himself, going quickly over to Kel and crouched beside him, leaning over him.

"Are you alright?" Sunny asked, worried, taking Kel's head in his right hand, supporting it and holding himself up right with his left hand.

Kel's head spun for a second, but when his vision cleared he saw Sunny's possibly-worried face peering down at him, mere inches from his own. Kel moved his arm, knocking Sunny's left hand that made Sunny lose his balance and fall on Kel, his cheek brushing Kel's.

"Uff!" Kel tensed, expecting to be squashed, but surprisingly didn't feel crushed like he would if someone else had fallen on him. He had picked up Sunny many times before, but never really realised how light he was. Kel looked down at Sunny, who seemed to have given up on even trying to get up, lying across his chest.

Kel admired Sunny while he had a good view, looking at his clothing, his... short-covered legs - Kel tried to keep his thought straight. They needed to do something important, Basil could be in danger and here he was thinking about!... stuff...

"Let's just go find Basil..." Sunny's muffled voice came from somewhere in Kel's shoulder.

Ten minutes later, the duo were out of the house and walking down the street. As they were padding Kel's House, he seemed inclined to go inside.

"Go on, you can't stay with me all the time," Sunny said, nodding to Kel's door.

"I'll be back out in ten!" Kel yelled to Sunny, giving him a quick hug and so desperately wanted to give him a quick kiss on his cheek... but he refrained, waving to him as he ran up his path, "Wait for me, will you!?"

Sunny nodded and watched as Kel disappeared inside. Sunny sighed. Considerate Kel, always putting others first. Sunny trailed up the path, admiring the foliage. Then he heard barking somewhere from his right, and was just quick enough to see a blur of orange before he felt hot breath on his cheek as he was flat against the grass. Kel's dog, Hector, had squashed him. Sunny smiled, petting Hector as he sat up, Hector panting happily and nuzzled into Sunny's neck as greeting. Sunny brushed his hand around the grass until he found what he was looking for. A stick. He scrabbled to his feet, tossing the stick slightly further than Hector's kennel, watching as the ball of fur bounded after it, tongue lolling.


Kel left the door open slightly, calling to his mom that he came back to say hello. His mom's voice came from somewhere in the house, saying hello. Then Sally started crying. Hero came into the room, smiling awkwardly at Kel.

"So, what's been happening with you and Sunny?" Hero asked, grinning slightly, already guessing the answer.

"I- uhh.. nothing's going on!" Kel murmured, feeling his face go bright red as he thought about what happened yesterday and couldn't help but wish a whole lot more was happening between them.

"So yesterday was nothing?" Hero teased him, putting either hand on Kel's shoulders, "didn't almost kiss?"

"We could have, but someone was there!" Kel retorted, realising far too late what he had just said, slapping himself for it.

"My bad!" Hero laughed, surrendering his hands in the air.

Just then, a shriek came from outside. Kel, who immediately thought Sunny might have got injured, darted out of the door slamming it open, Hero following quickly behind. Kel's eyes darted quickly around, looking for Sunny, realising he was over by Hector's kennel, being smothered by Hector's big fluffy body. Kel relaxed a bit, leaning against the doorframe as he admired Sunny gently pushing Hector off, smiling, then waving at Kel when he realised he was there.

"I think you did make the right decision," Hero muttered in Kel's ear, his eyes shining with tears.

"Yeah..." Kel agreed, watching as Sunny came over.

"Anyway! Let's go to Basil's!" Kel yelled, diverting the conversation quickly. He grabbed Sunny's hand, leading him away from his house as Sunny waved goodbye to Hero.

When they got further down the road, Kel hoisted Sunny onto his back in another piggyback, running and doubling their speed.

"How come you're so light, Sunshine?" Kel panted, keeping pace.

Sunny went quiet, adjusting his hold around Kel's shoulders, avoiding the question. Kel noticed this, making himself slightly worried, but decided to brush it off.

"Hey, here we are!" Kel exclaimed, before stopping dead.

"What's wrong?" Sunny asked, jumping down and looking at Kel's stunned and worried face, turning to see what he was looking at.

"What.. happened?"

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