Chapter Thirty-One

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Sunny yawned, stretching. Finding Hector yesterday really had taken it out of him, but when he glanced at Kel when he was changing this morning, he seemed completely unfazed, looking just as energetic as he usually did.

"Up for another adventure today, Sunshine?" Kel asked, swinging his arms by his sides, seeming nervous but cheerful.

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked, feeling his stomach twist anxiously, wondering what Kel would call an 'adventure'.

"Just... we haven't seen or heard from Aubrey in a while and..." Kel muttered, feeling his confidence drain - why would Sunny agree? "Just... she hasn't even yelled at us and the last time we saw her wasn't... Great. So, like, I was just wondering if she's okay, y'know?"

Sunny sighed in relief. He crossed the room and hugged Kel, before pulling on a black jacket.

"Let's go find her, then," Sunny said, holding the door expectantly for Kel, who's face broke into a grin.


"Looking for her is just reminding me of when we had to run all over town to find her when she was just at church the whole time!" Kel whined, after around am hour the two had been out.

Sunny pulled the hood on his jacket tighter around his head, feeling the world around him get cooler. He wondered how it had gotten so cold already when just a few days ago it was so swelteringly hot.

"Where haven't we been?" Asked Sunny, rubbing his arms to try to warm himself up, but instead only succeeded in making himself feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Well, we went to the church, then we went to Othermart and found a depressed Kim just.. sitting on the floor, then we went to Gino's and saw Mikhael just showing off infront of them girls again," Kel listed, ticking them off on his fingers as he recalled them,
"Then we saw Vance moping around with Angel and Charlie."

"We haven't checked the old hangout spot," Sunny pointed out, "maybe she's there?"

"Sure, but if she isn't, should we go check in on Basil?" Asked Kel, "if we're seeing all of our friends today, then Basil is bound to be included."

"OK..." Sunny agreed, already speeding off down the sidewalk, wanting to get out of the chill immediately.

Kel jogged after Sunny, calling to him to slow down, but it didn't matter - Kel caught up anyway, like Sunny knew he would.

"How are you warm?" Sunny asked, entering the park with Kel at his heels, "like, seriously, I'm freezing and you're out here in shorts. Again."

Kel grinned and shrugged, grabbing Sunny's hand as he dragged him into the trees, weaving into their well trodden path like they had done so many times before.

"Is she there?" Asked Sunny, Kel already emerging into the clearing. Sunny watched his shoulders sag slightly, instantly feeling like he needed to cheer Kel up.

"Oh, don't frown like that," Sunny murmured soothingly, flattening out the creases in Kel's brow gently with his thumb, "She might not be here, but we'll find her, we've done it before."

Kel smiled sadly at Sunny, knowing his words of encouragement were not only for him, but for himself as well. Kel crouched down planting a gentle kiss on Sunny's forehead.

"Don't know what I'd do without you, Sunshine," Kel muttered into his ear, resting his head on Sunny's shoulder as Sunny softly patted him comfortingly on the back.

"Well, guess we're heading to Basil's then," Sunny smiled, "maybe he'll get you something to eat. He still owes you a cacti - despite how last time ended."

Kel laughed, his face lighting up with happiness, Sunny staring at him, completely enraptured. He looked so perfect. So beautiful. What did he even see in Sunny, anyway?


"Hey, Basil," Kel smiled, clinging to Sunny's hand, "we just came to visit while we were in the area."

"Oh, hey-" Basil started, before his eyes settling on the two boys holding hands, then glancing at Sunny, who seemed to be lost in his own world whike staring at Kel, "-Guys..."

Kel felt his grin slide off his face as Basil looked directly at him and smirked, making him blush furiously.

"You guys want anything?" Basil asked, folding his arms, tucking his hands against his ribcage, "or tell me anything?"

"No! Nothing right now," Kel coughed, clearing his throat  muttering, "I'll tell you later..." to Basil.

"We were looking for Aubrey, and since we couldn't find her, we came to visit you," Sunny said bluntly, "we haven't seen you in a while so we wanted to see how you were doing, we are going to continue looking for her soon, so we can't stay too long - since the sun will be setting soon."

"Thanks guys," Basil smiled, "Why don't you come inside for a bit? Its pretty cold outside, and if you're leaving again soon anyway, you should thaw yourselves up a bit before heading out."

"Sure, thanks Basil," Kel yawned, leasing Sunny into Basil's.

"Polly isn't in right now," Basil explained, "she went out to Othermart a few minutes ago to get us some groceries."

"It's fine, we don't plan on staying long - maybe just chat for a few minutes, then head out?" Kel offered, feeling his legs again for the first time in over two hours - though he'd never tell Sunny that, he wanted him to think he was immune to the cold to impress him - nor would he admit that out loud.

"Well, how's it been for you?" Basil asked, "it's been quite calm here for a while, though the early frost is trying to kill my plants."

"It's been going good," Kel shrugged, "Nothing much happening, except for not being able to find Aubrey."

Sunny nodded along in agreement, trying adamantly to forget the phonecall. Sunny gently pulled on the back of Kel's T-shirt, wanting to leave before Basil asks any awkward questions.

"Uhh- yeah, well we better head out now," Kel laughed awkwardly, Basil joining in with the awkward laughter.

"Yeah, alright guys," Basil smiled, leading them back to the front door, opening it for them.

"Thanks for having us, Basil," Kel called, running out into the cold, still gripping Sunny's hand like he would melt away into mist if he wasn't holding him.

Basil waved goodbye to them as they ran off before closing the door and sinking down to the floor on the other side of it, his back pressed against it. He sighed.


>[Author's Note: Holy shit- we just got 20k reads and I literally cannot be for grateful for all of you- THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't convey what I'm feeling so I'm just going to settle with 'WHAT THE FUCK. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?' Thank you SO so much ♡♡]<

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