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Kel heard a stifled gasp from the other side of the door. He stopped in the hallway, wondering if he was imagining it, lowering the towel he was holding, his damp hair sticking up in different directions.

There was a quiet heaving noise from just inside Sunny's room. Kel burst into his room, holding tightly to the towel around his waist. It took a moment for him to come round to what he was seeing.

Sunny was huddled in a corner, wedging himself between his bed and his wall, the phone seemingly thrown across the room, it spinning slowly in circles across from Sunny. Kel slowly crossed the room over to Sunny, dropping the towel in his hand, embracing Sunny with his free hand, still holding his other towel around his waist.

"Shh, hey, Sunshine..." Kel murmured soothingly to him, the shorter boy calming down, rocking himself back and forth slowly, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Sunny gently shook his head, his body shaking with unshed tears, before he flung himself at Kel, wrapping his arms around his lover, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

"Shhh, it's okay now, I'm here," Kel hummed, softly patting Sunny's head, pressing gentle kisses on his forehead. Kel cupped Sunny's head in his hands, kissing the tip of his nose, "it's alright... if you don't want to tell me, or you can't, then that's okay! Just remember that I'm here..."


After calming Sunny down and accidentally getting them both distracted by the fact that Kel only had a loose towel on around his waist that came very near to falling off when he stood up, the two set off to Othermart.

"How many times have we been to Othermart this week?" Kel groaned, his cheeks still pink from what happened earlier, as well as the bright sun, "I swear we're solely keeping them in business."

Sunny shrugged, trying to keep his mind off the memory of watching Kel's towel drop dangerously low.

"Food shopping is so boringg," Kel whined, before perking up instantly at an idea he had come up with, "actually, nevermind!"

"Boring, but necessary to survival," Sunny agreed, nodding, flailing his hand around for a moment, before finally catching hold of Kel's.

Kel looked down at Sunny, grinning at him, tightening his grip on Sunny's hand, before looking ahead once again, shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Wish it'd rain sometime," Sunny mumbled, speeding up his pace to get to the cool air-conditioned Othermart.

"Oh yeah, it really hasn't rained in a while," Kel realised, looking back at Sunny to see how his pale skin was sunburned in places, pink and raw and painful-looking. "Have you not been putting on sunscreen?"

Sunny tensed slightly, before shaking his head, muttering, "I've been forgetting."

Kel sighed, speeding up their pace until they were sprinting to Othermart, throwing themselves through the automatic doors.

"Now, shopping!" Kel cheered, mildly sarcastically.

"I'll be quick, we don't really need much, maybe just some bread, milk, coffee and tea, eggs, bacon, toilet paper..." Sunny muttered, wandering off down the isles, finding what he needed pretty quickly.

"Do you mind if I quickly go find something? I'll be super-duper fast!" Kel asked, swaying on his feet. He didn't really want to leave Sunny, but he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Uhh... yeah, no worries," Sunny whispered, casting his eyes down to his feet, "I'll grab everything we need. Sorry for dragging you here, Kel..."

"What? Hey, no apologising! You didn't drag me anywhere, I came here by myself because I want to spend time with you, obviously, and because... food..." Kel exclaimed, trying to come up with other reasons for coming than just 'Sunny'.

Sunny smiled, waving to him as he waddled off down some other isles, Kel watching him disappear lovingly, before remembering he wanted to get him a surprise and darting off in the opposite direction.

By the time the two had paid, the sun was at it's peak. The two boys fanned themselves with their hands as they dragged their shopping back to Sunny's, feeling sticky.

"And I just had a shower this morning!" Kel whined like a child, before turning red, "well, whatever, I'll just have to shower again."

Sunny nodded, his cheeks a rosy color, feeling his clothes cling uncomfortably to him.

They both finally got back to Sunny's, storing the food away in the refrigerator and the cupboards, before sitting down at the kitchen table, tired and sweaty.

"Ugh, I feel gross," came Kel's muffled voice, his head laid down on the table, his arms covering his mouth. "Ooh, wait!"

Kel jumped up excitedly, disappearing into the living room, leaving a disorientated Sunny sitting at the table still, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

Kel burst back into the kitchen, his eyes shining with happiness, his hands hiding something behind his back.

"What're you hiding?" Sunny asked suspiciously, standing up and walking over to him.

Kel grinned at Sunny, but shook his head.

"Left or right?" Kel asked.


"Left or right?" Kel repeated, swaying on his feet.

"Uhh... left?"

The words had barely left his mouth when Kel suddenly pulled out something soft and black from behind his back in a blur. When Sunny's eyes focused, he realised that it was a huggable black cat plush.

"Kel.." Sunny muttered, taking it from his hands and looking down at it.

"Do you not like it?" Kel asked, "I can take it back if you want, I can get something-"

But he never finished his sentence, because Sunny had wrapped his arms around Kel's neck and was kissing him. Kel was shocked at first, but then melted into it, wrapping his arms around Sunny's waist.

"It's perfect," Sunny mumbled against Kel's lips, breaking the kiss.

"What's wrong, though?" Kel asked anxiously, "Why were you so upset this morning? Is it anything I can fix?"

Sunny went quiet for a minute, thinking about how he should articulate it.

"Well..." Sunny uttered, "you know that call I had earlier?"

"Yes?" Kel said, looking down carefully at Sunny, a worried crease forming between his brows, "what is it?"

"Well... it's just that... the person calling was-"


>[Author's Note: Guys, I'm drowning in school work already and I've barely been back long- I'll try to keep uploads consistent, but don't judge if my quality isn't the best - I'm trying, lol! Love you guys, your comments are great motivation! Have a great day/night, you deserve it :') <3]<

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