Chapter Fifteen

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It had been a few days since Basil's first visit, since then he'd visited once or twice to check in on them, the plants and tell them how fixing the house had been going. It had rained a few of them days, but Kel insisted on showing Sunny something outside, so Kel ran out and grabbed something in the garden and brought it back to Sunny, who was waiting in the doorway. Kel had brought him a flower.

Now, Sunny had stirred to hear Kel sniffling. He was confused at first, thinking that Kel was crying until he realised that he was, in fact, sick.

"Kel, I told you not to go out in the rain," Sunny said to him, his voice soft, "just lay back and I'll go find some medicine, I'll make you some soup."

"I'm fine, Sunshine," Kel sneezed, insisting, "I'm here to take care of you!"

Sunny smiled sadly. He wished he could help him, knowing from experience that Kel always puts others needs and happiness before his own.

"I'm fine, but you're clearly not."

Kel paused when he heard Sunny say that, feeling guilty. He wished he wasn't sick, he was meant to help Sunny's recovery, not hindering it by literally becoming ill.

"I'll go see if we have anything, I'll be back in a minute," Sunny muttered, wanting to kiss Kel's forehead, knowing that Kel had the previous night - but Kel didn't know that. Yet.

Sunny left the room, leaving Kel to his own devices, as he tried to get down the stairs quickly. He felt somewhat lightheaded, remembering he hadn't eaten much. He shrugged it off, putting Kel's health before whatever he had going in. Kel is the number one priority.

He went into the kitchen, searching through the cupboards, knowing full well they didn't have much. Well, there's the soup... but we don't have any medicine. Sunny went to the window, peering out of it to be met with rain, once again. At least I like rain, but that means Othermart. By myself. It's fine, though - it's for Kel!

He quickly made the soup, warming it up and bringing it upstairs as quickly as he could, putting it down on the floor in front of Kel.

"We've run out of medicine, so I'm going to head over to Othermart to get some," Sunny told Kel, already adamant on the idea and refused to hear anything against it.

"But, Sun-"

"I'll be back later."

Kel watched Sunny leave through his bedroom window, feeling empty. Stunned. Sunny's doing this for him, but he just... left. He felt upset, but he's doing this for me. He sat on the floor, staring at the soup for a while. I'll take care of him, Kel thought, once I'm better, I'll get him a gift and take care of him, and I'll confess and everything will be great. I'm choosing to ignore Aubrey for the time being.

Meanwhile, with Sunny, he's awkwardly walking through the rain with his little black umbrella. He felt his shoes slipping slightly, the rain making everything more slippery than it usually was. He kept reminding himself that this was for Kel, so he kept his head high, though wincing when he felt a car drive by and spray the water all over him, a wave of the dirty puddle water wash into his shoes. He sped walk the rest of the way, keeping his eyes peeled for any people who might try to approach him. He desperately just wanted to be in and out, back with Kel before anyone even knew he had stepped outside by himself.

Sunny splashed his way into Othermart, shaking his umbrella at the door before he sped down the isles, peeking round the corners to make sure he didn't run into anyone. He went up to the counter, requesting some medicine. The guy behind the counter handed him what he wanted, Sunny paid, put it in his pocket and he left.

He put up his umbrella once he left, feeling less anxious as he left Othermart, knowing that the worst part was over, until he saw pink hair across the street. Exactly where he needed to go. Except he saw that Aubrey was alone, and seeming... sad? Angry? Probably both, knowing her.

"Stupid, stupid! Everyone's left you..." Sunny heard her yelling at nobody, "even Kim..."

Sunny sighed, battling with himself, but he knows Aubrey is struggling, so he told himself that he'll try to be nice. He crossed the road, approaching Aubrey apprehensively. She looked up and glared at Sunny.

"What?" She snapped, though seeming much less angry, more deflated like she had no more emotion left to burn through. Sunny handed Aubrey his umbrella. She seemed stunned taking it, watching him silently as he waved goodbye, then walked off down the street. No words needed to be spoken. Aubrey kept hold of the umbrella, watching the dark smudge that was Sunny until he disappeared around the corner. She cried, sobbing into her hands.

Sunny knew it was stupid giving Aubrey his umbrella, knowing it probably wouldn't do anything whatsoever and that she probably wouldn't give it back, not to mention he didn't have a hood. He shivered as he sped up his pace, slipping and sliding back into his house, locking the door behind him. He trudged up the stairs, dripping water everywhere as he went back into his room to see Kel.

"Kel, I'm back-" he started, until he saw Kel curled up peacefully, asleep amongst the spare pillows and blankets they had been sleeping on the past few days. Sunny smiled gently, taking off his jumper and hanging it up, taking the medicine out of the pocket and leaving it on his desk. Sunny quickly showered, getting warm and dry, going back into his room to find Kel in a completely different position, sprawled out and completely in his sleeping zone. Sunny laughed quietly, surprising even himself. He tip-toed over to Kel's side, laying down beside him, knowing that he shouldn't sleep because he knew they'd both wake up in the afternoon and get nothing done, but he didn't have the heart to wake Kel up. He settled down beside him, leaning into his side to breathe in his iconic Kel Smell, still feeling prideful over his nickname for it. Sunny lent his face closer to Kel's, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, his soft lips staying there for a moment or two before rolling into Kel's side, dozing off into a flustered afternoon nap. Kel's body, almost unconsciously, turned over, wrapping up the sleeping boy in his arms, keeping him close.

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