Chapter Five

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When Kel first awoke, Sunny was no longer beside him. When Kel got up to check Sunny's bed, he saw that it was untouched since their pillow fight the previous night. Worry twinged at Kel's stomach, exiting Sunny's room, checking each room until he heard water dripping from the bathroom. He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Sunny?" Kel asked anxiously, only to be met with a shuffling noise and more dripping water, "are you in there? You okay?"

He still was met with no response, so he opened the door, regretting it almost instantly as he was met with Sunny's naked body, except for a fluffy white towel wrapped securely around his waist. Water dripped from Sunny's hair and body, and when Sunny looked up, he was met with Kel's glittering brown eyes, and his bright red face.

"S-Sorry!" Kel stuttered, shutting the door firmly as he stepped backwards out of the room, feeling thoroughly embarrassed and his heart racing as it fluttered in his chest. On the other side of the door, Sunny himself felt embarrassed, adrenaline pumping through him and his affection towards Kel rising in his stomach again.

Kel changed into the clothes he was wearing yesterday once again, the image of Sunny never once leaving his mind. Once Sunny re-entered the room, in a white shirt and black shorts, Kel chose to act as if nothing had happened.

"So, Sunny.." Kel started, trying to make sure he was calm, "I sorta didn't pack any clothes other than my pj's so do you mind if we go round to mine to get some more?"

"Sure," Sunny said, anxiously messing with the cuffs of his sleeves, hoping he looked nice.

"Awesome!" Kel said, grabbing Sunny's hand, and dragging him from the room, practically flying down the stairs and out of the house. Sunny barely had time to lock the door before Kel was off again, running off pure ecstacy that he was holding Sunny's hand!

Once they had arrived at Kel's House, they went in, Kel loudly announcing their arrival.

"Kelsey! I didn't expect you to be back here yet-" Kel's mom started, before setting her eyes upon Sunny and her expression softened, "welcome, Sunny! I hope you know you're always welcome here."

Sunny nodded slowly, wanting to tell her how thankful he was, but just couldn't seem to get the words out.

"We're only back because I sorta forgot to get more than just my pyjamas..." Kel said, looking at his mom with an apologetic look.

Kel's mom rolled her eyes, of course he forgot something.

"Of course you did, Kelsey," She stated, "well hurry, you don't want to keep Sunny waiting!"

Kel turned to Sunny, whispering, "You'll be okay a second while I go grab a few pairs of clothes?"

Sunny, again, nodded to Kel, hoping that he would be, and that he wouldn't be cornered by his mother or Hero. Kel ran off, Kel's mom having to go since Sally was crying, leaving Sunny alone, which Sunny was more or less content with, until Hero entered the room.

The two locked eyes, Sunny feeling sick to his stomach as Hero brought back everything that had happened recently. He saw Hero's mouth moving, seeming like he was talking, but Sunny couldn't hear a word. His memories were drowning him. The feeling as he pushed Mari. Her face. Basil. Their fight. Being in the hospital. Confessing. Feeling so bad that he had been on the roof. The feeling of jumping. The freedom of it. Before long, Sunny was overwhelmed, barging past Hero as he made his way to their bathroom, locking himself in and curling in a corner. His breathing was ragged, gasping for air as tears streamed down his face. The pure panic made him feel like he was suffocating.

Kel returned to the room, seeing Hero blocking the doorway, facing Kel.

"What's up, Hero?" Kel asked, curiously, looking past him to see Sunny not standing there anymore, which made Kel nervous, "what happened?"

"Sunny.." Hero mumbled, pointing to their bathroom, "I don't know what happened... I tried to talk to him but he ran past me and.. locked himself in the bathroom."

Hero didn't like the way Kel's face paled as he dropped his clothes and ran to the bathroom door. Kel banged his fist on the bathroom door.

"Sunny!?" Kel yelled, tears pricking at his eyes, panic enveloping him, "Sunny, are you okay in there!?"

There was no response.

Kel tried to open the door but it was locked, and it refused to budge.

"Sunny!" Kel cried out, banging on the door again, praying that Sunny was okay. A few seconds later, there was a scuffling noise inside, and the lock on the door clicked, Sunny cracking open the door inside. His eyes were red and tear streaks lined his face. Kel pushed open the door wider, wrapping his arms tightly around Sunny and resting his head on Sunny's, letting himself calm down. Sunny let himself be embraced, enjoying the comforting and warm feeling Kel emitted. Sunny felt himself calming, closing his eyes and just being in the moment, the feeling of Kel's shirt and the way his heart beat sounded. Hero approached them apprehensively, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Sunny, what I wanted to say..." Hero muttered, looking softly at the two merely being together, "is that I forgive you."

Sunny breathed a sigh of relief, wiping his eyes, then looking up at Kel and smiling, before turning to Hero.

"I'm so sorry," Sunny whispered, still being hugged tightly by Kel, "for everything."

Hero merely smiled and joined in their hug, an understanding blossoming between the three of them, all realising that they've all struggled in some way since Mari's passing, but they've come to accept that she's dead and move on. The tension in the air seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, Hero and Kel's mom poking her head out of her room to see what the commotion was about, but smiling when she noticed the trio of boys down the hall just enjoying eachothers company.

Yet something still kept Sunny from truly enjoying the moment, some worry, something Hero couldn't see and something Kel would gradually help Sunny with in the future, with knowing it or not.

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