Chapter Ten

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When Sunny woke up, there was dappled sunlight shining through the fort. As his eyes adjusted to the lighting, he noticed an arm that was wrapped around him. Make that two arms.. Sunny thought as he shifted slightly to get a better view. He tilted his head up slightly, noticing that Kel had his head hung to the side, like it was meant to be resting on Sunny's but there was a considerable gap instead. Sunny shifted into Kel's embrace more, trying to get comfortable again and suck out some warmth since he seemed to be perpetually cold. In doing so, Kel stirred, muttering, but went back to sleep almost instantly. Sunny rested his head against Kel's chest and breathed in. Kel smelled of faint aftershave, a tang of orange Joe and slight sweat. The Kel Smell, Sunny thought to himself, smiling at his own little joke.

"What're you smiling about, Sunshine?" Kel said groggily, looking down warmly at the smaller boy curled into him.

Sunny blushed, feeling his face grow red and his smile fade into an embarrassed grimace. Kel didn't seem to notice, though, as he pulled Sunny onto his lap and rested his head on Sunny's shoulder, breathing him in and hugging him. Sunny tried not to squirm, since doing so would make the situation awkward for both of the boys, but he couldn't help but feeling awkward.

"Alright, Sunshine," Kel yawned, letting Sunny go so he tilted and fell off Kel's lap, "Ah- you okay?"

Sunny nodded, feeling his face flush. He got up and left the room,  shutting himself in the bathroom to wake himself up a bit more and wash. Kel was confused for a few minutes, trying to get his head around what was doing on, until he realised that he had called Sunny 'Sunshine', something Kel only dreamed about doing, and - even worse - he put Sunny on his lap. He was relieved then that Sunny didn't move, otherwise that could have turned very awkward very fast...

Kel shook himself, his hair getting scruffier by the second, getting up and stretching. He yawned again. Time to change and prepare myself for today...

Sunny left the bathroom fully clothed, though his hair was dripping wet. He decided it would have been best to have another shower. On the way back to his room, Sunny gazed at the stairs. Around the corner of his eyes seemed to get darker and the world seemed to loom forwards, his body feeling like it could fall... He shook himself, snapping himself out of it and walking back into his room. When he entered, he saw Kel with a towel in his arm and his other hand on his phone.

"What're you up to?" Sunny asked, his voice quiet as he tries to peek at what Kel was doing.

"Nothing~" Kel said smoothly, putting his phone away, "and I was going to ask you if I could take a shower?"

Sunny nodded and watched as Kel disappeared down the hall. He faintly wondered what he was doing, but decided that it would be nosy and he shouldn't be going through other people's business and betray their trust, especially after everything Kel had done for him. Sunny sat at his desk for around ten minutes, staring blankly at the drawer with the knife in, wondering the most discreet way to remove it without alerting Kel, since that would lead to some awkward questions and things Sunny wouldn't feel too keen to share to Kel. Just then, Kel entered the room, dressed and hair damp, just like Sunny's was, though now it had dried itself. Kel sat on the bed and tried to dry his hair off with the towel, though he managed to just spike up his hair with the towel. Sunny got up and took the towel from him.

"The towel's soaking, how do you expect to dry your hair?" Sunny asked, tossing the towel on a radiator.

Kel shrugged innocently, trying to play it off as he didn't know and didn't care, though Sunny could tell that he was embarrassed because he clearly does this all the time. Sunny grabbed another towel from his closet, tossing it to Kel and watching him carefully as he dried his hair, admiring him. He could see Kel's well-defined muscles, his brown hair illuminated by the sunlight behind him, another orange outfit that just screams 'Kel' and a pair of white sneakers.


Sunny was confused, who was talking to him?

"Sunny?!" The voice asked again, and Kel's hand appeared in front of Sunny.

Sunny jumped, not realising he zoned out.

"Well, you're okay at least," Kel stated, looking at Sunny with a worried expression, "Anyway, I've got an idea where we could go, so all aboard Kel's idea train!"

Sunny smiled at the boy, standing and getting ahold of his hand, feeling the familiar warmth and the butterflies in his stomach as he did so, and followed Kel out the house.

It didn't take long to get to their destination - the old hangout spot once more, and there was a picnic set up. Sunny was confused, how did Kel set all this up when they were together all day? Sunny looked at Kel, only to see him grinning at the picnic and leading Sunny to it. He plopped himself down and patted a patch of the checkered picnic blanket beside him, clearly wanting Sunny to sit there, and he did.

"How did you set all of this up?" Sunny asked, sitting beside Kel and stretching out his legs, gazing up into the sky. It was the afternoon by now, and the sun was at it's highest point, shining off the lake, Sunny could practically feel the memories swirling around in his head.

"That's my little secret," Grinned Kel, holding his phone and shaking it in a self-satisfied way. Sunny shrugged. Alright, then, secret it is, but don't think I won't find out.

All afternoon, the two ate and drank at the picnic, enjoying the food and each others company, talking the day away like they were kids again. As the sun sank lower in the sky, the two were sat beside each other, Sunny resting his head on Kel's shoulder and Kel resting his head on Sunny's.

"You know, Kel," Sunny muttered into the evening air, it warm and the sky still bright with warm tones of pinks and oranges, "I'm just... so happy that you've been spending time with me... After the hospital I was at my lowest, but you..."

They turned to look at each other, still close, Kel's breath warm on Sunny's face.

"Sunny, you should know I'm always here for you," Kel started, looking at Sunny with pure love in his eyes, though Sunny was oblivious, "I would follow you to the ends of the earth.."

The two inched closer together, barely a hair apart. Sunny looked at Kel's lips. They looked so soft, so gentle.. Sunny leaned slightly closer, Kel doing the same...

A twig snapped and the two were startled and embarrassed, looking round at the cause of the noise. Hero was standing below the trees.

"Sorry!" He called to them, walking over and silently apologising to Kel, who looked slightly angry with him, but there was also something else in his eyes... "Sorry, i just.. err.."

"It's fine," Kel said, standing up and offering his hand to Sunny, who took it, though very embarrassed so he couldn't look at either of the two brothers, "we were just leaving."

Kel led Sunny away from the spot, through the silent park and down the street, Sunny staring at his feet the whole way, trying to come to terms with what had just happened.

"Sorry about that, Sunny," Kel apologised as they walked, "I.. uhh.. asked Hero set up the picnic since I couldn't and it seems like he went to check if he could clean up after we... err.. left."

"It's fine," Sunny said, looking up at Kel and smiling, his eyes shining and Kel stopped, staring at Sunny, "today has been absolutely perfect."

Kel smiled, picking up Sunny and spinning him around in his arms happily, gently lowering him to the ground once more.

"Well, let's get to sleep," Kel yawned, pointing to Sunny's house with his thumb, "today has been absolutely exhaustingggg!"

Sunny giggled quietly, though Kel heard, making his heard swell with pure love for this wonderful boy. The two walked back to the house, entered, and slept away the rest of the night.

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