Chapter Six

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Leaving the Desoto house, Sunny stayed close to Kel, trying to not feel uncomfortable as he knew Kel's mom would be watching them leave. Sunny was almost swinging off Kel's arm as he wished that they could go back home, yet he knew Kel wouldn't want to stay after he drops off his clothes.

"What do you want to do after we leave my clothes at your house?" Kel asked, linking his arm with Sunny's and walking beside him at a more casual pace than his usual energetic stride, making sure Sunny could stay comfortable.

"Whatever you want to do," Sunny suggested, stepping as close as he could to Kel, never wanting to let go of his warm arm again, "so then, what do you want to do?"

"How about Gino's?" Kel said, grinning, unlocking Sunny's door and opening it for him, then locking it behind them as they went in, "Hero sandwiches as a celebration?"

Sunny nodded, taking Kel's clothes for him, walking cautiously up the steps with Kel close behind, prepared to assist Sunny in whatever way possible. They quickly left the clothes on Sunny's desk, then before they knew it, they were back outside in the sunlight.

"To Ginos!" Kel exclaimed, grabbing Sunny and hoisting him on his back, keeping Sunny securely on his back as he ran off down the street, somehow managing to seem like it was completely effortless carrying the shorter boy.

When the duo passed Faraway Park, Kel gently placed Sunny down on the hot sidewalk, making sure he was okay, before walking at a slower pace for Sunny's benefit. They approached Ginos a bit too quickly for Sunny's liking, despite the fact they had slowed quite a bit for Sunny to keep up. Kel pushed open the door for Sunny, before following him in, the two walking over to the cashier and ordering the two Hero Sandwiches. Kel took Sunny over to a quiet table with two seats, the Sandwiches already made, as Kel handed Sunny his sandwich and sat opposite him, the two stared at each other as they ate their sandwiches quietly.

"So what happened back there?" Kel finally decided to ask, already halfway through his sandwich, when Sunny had only taken two very small bites.

"Hero sort of..." Sunny uttered, struggling with his words as he stared at the sandwich in his hands, "brought up memories..."

Kel had stopped eating, watching Sunny with a careful interest, worry creasing his face slightly, "Oh... sorry to ask, Sunny, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Sunny shook his head gently, taking another small bite from the sandwich, "it's alright, Kel. I prefer it if you do, actually."

Kel seemed confused, but Sunny was pleased with himself for once. He felt he had managed to communicate his words to Kel quite well. Sunny had always liked talking to Kel, despite the fact he never really was quite good at articulating what he meant through his words, but he desperately wanted to tell Kel that he was so grateful that he was still his friend, that he didn't give up on him and abandon him like he thought he would.

"Are you going to finish that?" Kel asked, snapping Sunny back into reality, where he noticed that Kel had finished his sandwich and was looking at Sunny confused, since he was just staring at his sandwich which had only been bitten a few times.

"Yes, I'll just finish it later," Sunny muttered, wrapping up the sandwich and getting up.

Kel watched Sunny's movements, realising how purposeful and delicate they were, looking at his dainty, pale hands and wishing he was holding them again. Kel shook himself mentally, did he really like Sunny? There's no more denying it, Kel thought to himself as he walked beside Sunny, away from Ginos, I really have fallen in love.

Once they arrived back at Sunny's, the sun was low in the sky and Sunny had disappeared to change by himself in his room, despite Kel feeling uncomfortable to let him go, not wanting him to be alone for too long, especially after what had happened earlier on. Kel sat outside Sunny's door, thinking to himself, reminiscing about what had happened between the two of them the past few days. The hospital. Sunny telling Kel he didn't want to be alone anymore. Faraway Park. The possible gift-

Kel almost froze when he remembered. He couldn't believe that he had almost forgot about the mysterious white bag Sunny had brought out of Hobeez! Kel was still wondering what was inside of it, until he got snapped back to reality when he heard another voice in Sunny's room. A few moments later, Sunny came out in his pyjamas again, smiling slightly at Kel when he saw that he sat by his door.

"My mom called," Sunny told him, watching as Kel scrabbled to his feet and stood before Sunny, "she's going to be away for a few more weeks..."

"That's alright!" Kel said, secretly happy about it, realising that it meant he could spend weeks sleeping over at Sunny's house.

"Are you sure?" Sunny asked, like he could read Kel's mind, thoigh he saw it more negatively, "you don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"I'll stay!" Kel decided, right then, stooping down slightly to give Sunny a quick hug, "I'll always be here for you."

After that, Kel slipped past Sunny and grabbed his pyjamas, going into the bathroom. Sunny heard the shower turn on and realised Kel didn't bring a towel, either, so Sunny left one outside the door for him and waited patiently in his room. Ten minutes later, Kel came in dramatically, spinning around like he was in some sort of fashion show, showing off for Sunny.

"Fort time!" Kel said in a sing-song voice, barrelling himself into their fort, Sunny crawling in afterwards. This time, Sunny was the one who was able to fall asleep first, Kel wrapping his arms gently around him to support his head and keep him close, cradling him softly. Unconsciously, Sunny scooted closer to Kel, and Kel, who was only slightly dozing off, felt the butterflies in his stomach once again.

"One day," Kel whispered to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep, "one day I'll confess. Soon."

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