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"C'mon, Kel," Sunny said, watching the taller boy lumber down the stairs, yawning and swaying with fatigue, Sunny tensing slightly as he saw Kel get precariously close to slipping, before wobbling back up right and making it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Basil better like your design," Kel grumbled, squinting his eyes out in the sunlight, hearing Sunny lock the door behind them, "we've had to miss breakfast for this!"

"You don't even know my design yet," Sunny pointed out, cutting across the grass to the sidewalk, hearing Kel trudge along after him, before accidentally bumping into him.

"Yeah, but if it's coming from you, it's going to be good!" Kel exclaimed, yawning.

"And once we get our supplies, I'll treat you to something at Ginos," Sunny offered, feeling guilty about waking him up earlier than usual, when something that had been bouncing around his head for a while, suddenly crossed his mind again.

"No way! I'll buy us something - but I'm definitely up for food from Ginos!" Kel exclaimed, already seemed more awake than he had mere moments before.

Sunny pushed the thought to the back of his head, deciding he'd tell Kel about it later on.

"Let's get going, then," Sunny muttered, pulling at his jumper sleeves, squinting at the sunlight, "the faster we are, the faster we can get to Gino's."

The duo managed to get to Hobeez in record time, pushing open the door into the quiet store, feeling the rush of cool air coming from the AC. Sunny found the paints that he needed quickly, scavenging around for a few okay-quality paint brushes, dumping them on the counter and paying for them.

As they left, Sunny stuffed his change into his pocket and swiped his supplies into the bag he had paid for, it swinging and hitting painfully into his leg as they walked out of the cool environment.

"I think we'll have to pick up a job again, at this rate," Kel whined, "I can't believe we spent this much money in these past few days alone!"

"I refuse to ever do a job at Gino's again," Sunny huffed, attempting to adjust the bag that was digging into his hand, "I will not be laughed at again by getting the wrong deliveries."

"Want me to hold that for you?" Kel asked, though inwardly agreeing with Sunny - Mikhael will get a face full of pizza before he laughs at them again.


Before Sunny could react, Kel spun round Sunny, tugging the bag from his hand, and easily slipped back into place where he was walking beside him before.

"Kel, it's fine," Sunny protested, stopping, "I can carry it, I'm not that pathetic."

"Not pathetic, but it's clearly hurting you," Kel stated, smiling warmly, "now, to Gino's!"

Sunny sighed, following Kel in, sitting down at a table he chose. He watched Kel's retreating back as he wandered over to the counter to order their food, swinging his legs absently, sitting on his hands and letting his eyes wander around the room. Sunny wondered where the Trashcultists had gone recently, since he had got a decent amount of money from them for picking up trash around the place, funding his obsession with feeding the stray cats.

An old couple sat in the far corner of the restaurant, chatting away happily. Sunny watched them quietly, looking at how they always seemed to be smiling. Was he meant to smile more around those he liked? Sunny thought about how Kel always seemed to be grinning at him, but Sunny knew better - he knew it wasn't all real. He remembered how Mari used to smile at him, her gentle voice as she guided him through tasks, how her eyes seemed to light up when she spoke about Hero.

Sunny felt a lump rising in his throat, wincing at the bittersweet memories. Where did they go? Sunny mourned sadly, feeling as if all his memories were merely wisps of smoke that seemed to slip through his fingers.

"Sunshine, you okay?" Kel asked, placing Sunny's Hero Sandwich before him.

"I- uh.. yeah," Sunny blinked, turning away from the couple in the corner, "thank you, Kel."

Kel patted Sunny's arm gently, giving him a one armed hug, before walking round to sit opposite him, shuffling the paint filled bag away from his chair with his foot.

Kel dug in straight away, Sunny following suit, just a bit slower, retracing his thoughts back to how happy the elderly couple seemed, swallowing the sadness that had swarmed him before Kel arrived.

"Hey, Kel?" Sunny asked, before biting into his sandwich.

"Yeah, Sun?" Kel responded, feeling anxious. The look on Sunny's face mere moments ago seemed so... so... heartbroken... and sort of empty...

"Is this a date?" He asked bluntly, lowering the sandwich and looking directly at Kel. Kel almost dropped his sandwich.

"I- I, uhh," Kel started, his cheeks growing hot, feeling completely caught off guard by his question, looking down at his hands, "I.. no.. not a date."

Kel inwardly cried out at the words he spoke - how he wished he'd have said something by now! But he didn't want to get rejected, and if he was, wouldn't it be awkward? How could they continue their friendship!? At least when they were friends, Kel could still be close to Sunny without the awkward atmosphere between them.


Kel looked back up at Sunny, seeing that Sunny seemed to deflate a little. Was he disappointed? Kel shook himself mentally. Of course he wasn't, don't get your hopes up Kel.

After a few minutes, Kel had finished his sandwich and Sunny had managed to stomach half of his, wrapping the other half up and saving it for later. The conversation on the way back to Sunny's was non-existent. Kel anxiously kept glancing over at Sunny, who seemed to be lost in his own world, and in no time at all they had arrived.

Kel followed Sunny inside, Sunny indicating for him to leave the supplies on the floor and for Kel to follow him. Kel did as instructed, Sunny leading him into his backyard.

"What is it, Sunshine?" Kel questioned, standing in the doorway as he watched Sunny walk across the yard to sit before the tree stump. Kel watched Sunny pat the grass beside him, so Kel wandered over and sat beside him, his legs out in front of him.

"Do you remember the other night?" Asked Sunny, his voice soft, gazing up at the sky.

"Not really?" Kel said, confused. What did Sunny mean?

"Well... do you really love me?" Sunny muttered, turning to look at Kel, tears seeming to shine in his eyes, as well as love.

Kel blinked. Then remembered his dream from a few nights ago. But that was a dream, right?

"I... thought it was a dream."

Sunny lent in slightly, kissing Kel's cheek gently, before resting his head on Kel's shoulder.

"I do love you, Kel. Remember to cry when you need to," Sunny murmured, feeling a happiness he hadn't felt before, "I'll always be here."

Kel felt a tear run down his cheek, the one Sunny had kissed, before wiping it away quickly. He turned his head, gently planting a kiss on Sunny's head, before resting his head on Sunny's.

The two boys sat there together in a comfortable silence, the sun drifting across the sky into a beautiful watercolor sunset. The little pink pinwheel in the treestump spun in the breeze, and for once, the world seemed calm.

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