Chapter 6

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

It has been a few days since Suchitra came to Hastinapur. These days have been.....interesting; while the elders excluding Shakuni enjoyed her company,  the kauravas and Shakuni  were terrorised.

There has been not one day when they were not pranked or dressed like women by her. Shakuni was exhausted as he had to keep his dear nephews, Duryodhan and Dushasan in check so they don't harm the little devil because as much as he wanted them to do something he knew what she could do and if she wrote a letter to her parents telling about what they had done to her; her parents could go as far as declaring a war.

Right now Duryodhan, Dushasan and Shakuni were sitting in an isolated room hiding from the devil's spawn. A while ago they heard the news of Pandu and his second wife Madri's death. Now they were even more irritated that Kunti will be arriving to the palace with her sons. "Mamashree you said that the pandavas are not family but foes, what should we do to prevent them from taking away MY throne?!" asked Duryodhan "Mere bacche, don't worry I will never let any of them take your throne; it rightfully belongs to you just trust your mamashree and do as I say" replied Shakuni.

On the other hand Suchitra was ecstatic when she found the pandavas along with mata kunti will be coming to the palace.

Suchitra's pov:(missed me??)

I am sooo excited!!!!!! The pandavas are finally coming here with mata Kunti! Oh! It will be a great relief to have people my age who are not kauravas around. But I feel sad for them as they just lost one of their mother and father the same day, I can't even imagine how hard it must be for that family. I will surely try and cheer them up whenever I can.

"Rajkumari Rani Kunti and her sons have arrived. The elders of the family are at the gate of the palace welcoming them" a dasi informed me. I smiled "Thank you; you can go now" hearing this she went away. I got up from my bed and went towards the mirror to fix my appearance. Once I was done I twirled and looked at the mirror and decided to go out to meet the five brothers and mata Kunti.

As I moved towards the front part of the palace I saw all the kauravas standing in lines and then I realised that the pandavas have entered the palace. I held my lehenga in my hands and ran towards them "Heyyyyyy bhrata Duryodhan! what are you doing?" I asked him with my signature cheshire grin when I reached near them. When they saw me I could see a look terror on their faces which they quickly wiped it off and looked forward with a haughty expression " N-Nothing behen Suchitra, what are YOU doing here?" he said with a light stutter which one could only make out when they hear very closely. "Oh! I was here to greet mata Kunti and her sons! And I am very well aware that you are trying to terrorise them; so listen closely priya bhratashree they are new here right now so don't try anything or I will make sure to get a painting of yours in saree and gift it to them" I threatened him in a low voice so that no one apart from Duryodhan and Dushasan could hear me.

I looked at their faces for any reaction and found the one I was looking for a pinch of fear. Duryodhan looked at me for a second and hesitated but then asked his brothers to follow him back inside.

After they went inside I turned towards the pandavas and saw that they all were already looking at me. I felt my cheecks heat up and ducked my head down in shyness. 'This is so embarrassing I didn't want my first impression infront of them to be like this ' I mentally cursed myself. I joined my hands and greeted them "Pranipaat rajkumaron I am Suchitra daughter of the king of Shanya kingdom" "Pranipaat Rajkumari" They greeted back "Please call me Suchitra rajkumaron" "Then it will only be fair if you call us by our names I am Bheem " Bheem said "Okay Bheem" I said smiling giddily "I am Yudhishthir" "I am Arjun" "I am Nakul" "And I am Sahadev" All of them introduced themselves with a smile on their faces. "After some rest, would you like me to give you a tour of the palace or maybe talk and get to know each other?" I asked with a hopeful voice. 'Waaahh! why an I acting like this?!This is so not me!' I thought to myself 
"Of course we would like to talk to you Suchitra" Yudhishthir replied with a beautiful smile on his face.

I smiled at them one last time and then ran away giggling. I could hear them laugh and that just added to my embarrassment.

I went inside my room and after removing some of the jewellery flopped down on the bed with a sigh. I closed my eyes and was about to sleep when a dasi came inside my room with a scroll in her hand "Rajkumari a letter has arrived for you" I was confused as to who had sent me the letter because I got a letter from my parents yesterday. I took the scroll from her and told her to go after thanking her. I opened the letter and was shocked to see it was Radha's. I sent her a letter a while ago but never got a reply so it was kind of surprising to get one all of a sudden.

After reading the letter I found it was about Kanha and Balram dau leaving Vrindavan for Mathura and to defeat Kansa. As I read further I could feel my sakhi's pain of separation from kanha in each and every word and it made my heart ache. She was so sad and I was not there to comfort her. I started writing a letter to her telling her that I will back soon and that I was sorry for not being there for her at that time. Though I was secretly glad that I wasn't because I know I would've cried harder than anyone there seeing Kanha leave the people he loved especially Radha and Yashoda maiya.

I cried silently while finishing the letter and asked a dasi to send it. Then I laid down on my bed tears still flowing from eyes and went into a dreamless sleep.

Author's note:

Hi guyzz!!!!
Do tell how you liked the chapter and the story so far.So finally the pandavas have been introduced!! Now Mamashree and the kauravas will have a little time to relax before Suchi again starts pranking them. Thank you all so much 100+votes I am very grateful and also thank you for all the encouraging comments they really motivate me to write more😊❤️

 Thank you all so much 100+votes I am very grateful and also thank you for all the encouraging comments they really motivate me to write more😊❤️

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