Chapter 15

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

It was the next day and Suchitra was skipping around the palace with nothing to do. If someone saw her they would would think she is bored and is looking for something to do but in reality her mind was occupied with the memories of last night, when Yudhishthir apologised and they spend some time together. These thoughts were giving her weird feelings and her stomach felt like it would explode. She tried hard to get rid of those thoughts by busying herself with different things but all the attempts went in vain.

So, she decided to get out of her room and talk to someone. She kept walking absentmindedly thinking of someone whom she would like to spend time with and didn't realise she reached the training grounds.

Duryodhan, Dushasan, Karn and Shakuni were present there too and they saw her enter the  grounds. "Mere bachon, Angraaj turn to the opposite side. Make sure she doesn't see us as I have no power to deal with HER right now" Shakuni said with grim face "Mamashree did you already have an encounter with her" Duryodhan said chuckling "Yes mere bache, yes and that's why I don't want to talk to her again that too in the span of 48 hours" Shakuni sighed at which Duryodhan and Dushasan laughed while Karna looked at them confused wondering why are they so irritated by such a small girl.

Suchitra heard the sound of laughter and turned towards the source. She saw her favourite evil trio standing there with Karna and mentally grinned. She started skipping towards them with a mischievous smile, her anklets chiming with every step she took making the four men turn towards her. Three of them groaned and Karna asked "Why are you three acting like this? What is going on between you three and this girl?" before any of them could answer Suchitra stood infront of them grinning madly "Pranipaat Mamashree, Bhratashree Duryodhan, Bhrata Dushasan and Angraaj" she greeted "Pranipaat devi" said Karna "Pranipaat" said the three grumbling under their breath. "How are you Bhratashree Duryodhan and Bhrata Dushasan? We didn't meet for 12 long years! Did you not miss me?" She said grinning like cheshire cat "Oh you don't even know how much we missed you and this smile of yours" Dushasan said with an overly sweet smile on his face.

"That's good to hear. Now, what are we doing?" Suchitra said with the replicating his smile "We? WE are practising but What are YOU doing here?" Duryodhan said, pointing towards the other three males and himself when he said 'we'. "Well, I was looking for something to do as I was bored but now that I found you I think I should practice sword fighting with you guys" Suchitra said and took out her sword from the scabbard.

The evil trio looked at her with wide eyes and Karna chuckled. Suchitra faltered and looked at Karna with a raised eyebrow "What is it that made you chuckle Angraaj" she said with a slightly cold voice "Well you see rajkumari sword fighting is for men, you should go and find other princesses and maybe sing and dance" Karna said in taunting voice.

Suchitra felt her anger rise. She has never been a short tempered person but the way he said that she could not help but push him on the ground, get on top of him and punch his face repeatedly. She took a deep breath to calm herself, put her sword back in scabbard and said with an authoritative voice "Angraaj with all due respect, I don't think you know anything about me. Well no worries I will myself educate you, I am the daughter of the King of Shanya Kingdom who has been taught the vedas and weaponry from a young age and I take pride in saying that I am a great swordswoman. So please do not underestimate me."

"Rajkumari, I still hold my ground and I think you are a little fragile to fight with us so please either go and find the other princesses or sit aside and watch us practice" Angraaj said. His reply made the other three males panic internally since they knew that this devil's spawn could make his life hell if she wanted to. "Meri bachi don't listen to Angraaj. He is just saying this because he doesn't know you" Shakuni tried calm her down but he could see his attempt was futile.

"Well Angraaj, I think that you are not a warrior yourself, I mean you might know ho use weapons but that doesn't mean that you have other qualities required for a person to be a warrior. Fo me you are just a man with a fragile ego who needs validation from others to consider himself great" Anger and mockery dripped from each word she uttered and it was now Karna's turn to feel humiliated "If you think so Rajkumari why don't we have a competition, we will find out who was right and who was wrong" "Fine let's do it then" both Karna and Suchitra glared at each other with fire burning in their eyes, none of them ready to back down.

They went towards the centre of the ground and stood opposite to each other. Suchitra took out her sword and Karna picked up his bow. Their was heavy tension in the atmosphere. The two kauravas present their were panicking and thinking of ways to stop their mitra, they turned to their side and found that Shakuni was missing which led to more panic.

"If you want to back out right now please feel free to do so rajkumari I won't mind" Karna said in a snarky tone "Oh I know you won't Angraaj, afterall you will get an excuse to not fight me and lose" Suchitra replied with an equally snarky tone. This fuelled his anger and he raised his bow ready to attack. Suchitra too readied herself to dodge his attack.

As Karna was about to release an arrow Shakuni entered the training grounds again and said "Mere bacchon! You shall continue this competition of yours some other time, as Maharaj calls us to the sabha for the announcement of the yuvraj"

Everyone turned towards him startled due to the sudden news. Angraaj and Suchitra stared at each other "We shall continue afterwards Angraaj, do not think this is over. I will defeat you" Suchitra said "Of course we will continue afterwards rajkumari and we will see who wins" said Angraaj Karna then they tirned away from each other and walked away towards the sabha where they would get to know the name of the yuvraj.

Author's note:
Hey guys! I am finally back! I am sorry for leaving you all hanging but please understand I was busy with things. I hope you liked the chapter and if you did please consider dropping a vote and commenting what your favourite part was and by the way we reached 6k+ views and 700+ votes! thank you so much for the love and support. I shall meet you again in the next chapter, till then bye bye and take care😊❤️

 I shall meet you again in the next chapter, till then bye bye and take care😊❤️

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