Chapter 8

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Suchitra's pov:

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Suchitra's pov:

"He really DANCED on the head of Kaliya naag?!!" mata Kunti exclaimed, her eyes wide.
She looked almost comical. "Yes maata he did" I chuckled. "Hey Narayan! how did he even do that?! why did he even do that?!!" Maata exclaimed. "Areee maata don't worry he was not hurt or anything! You are so shocked by this I don't think I should tell you what I was about to" I mumbled the last part but somehow she heard me "No no tell me I promise not to panic" she said.

I gulped thinking it was bad idea to tell her sakha's leelas; I am really hungry but every time I ask her to eat dinner she just says " We will go in a while tell me more of the things he did"-I am regretting my existence at this point.

"Well- He lifted the Govarddhan parvat on his pinky finger for 7 days straight-" "WHATTT??!!!" "Maaataaa calm down he is alright!!" She comes back to her senses " I-okay, alright you know what! let's stop and go eat" I sighed in relief when I heard those words. 'Hey Bhagwaan! bahut bahut Dhanyvad'(Oh God thank you very very much).

As we reached the dining area I saw maata Gandhari and Dushala sitting there waiting for us. I know maata Gandhari very well, we sit in her room and talk almost every afternoon because of which we have formed a great bond. With Dushala it is a totally different story; I have talked to her at many occasions but the conversations have always been very short, she is very shy around me and I don't know why.

"Areee aa gye tum dono kahan the abhi tk?"(Oh you both are finally here! where were you till now?) Maata Gandhari asked "We were just talking jiji and didn't keep track of time" maata Kunti replied "Oh okay then now come sit and eat" maata Gandhari said.

After finishing dinner we all talked for awhile and then decided to retire to our respective rooms. I was very tired from all the things that happened today hence when I reached my room I quickly changed into sleeping clothes and went directly to bed.

Third person's pov:

A few days went by with Suchitra telling Kunti about Krishna and Balram's leelas, pranking the evil trio and spending time with the pandavas. She had grown very close to the pandavas in just a few days, they talked for hours and strolled in the gardens. Suchitra liked all of them but was closer to the twins than the rest.

Today was the day everyone in the palace was dreading even the workers, today Suchitra had to leave. Maharaj Dhritarashtra, Maharani Gandhari and even Mahamahim Bhishma tried to pursuade her to stay a little longer but she persistent on returning as she wanted to meet her sakhi Radha who must be waiting for her arrival and she also wanted to meet Yashoda maiya and make sure that she fine after the leave of Krishna and Balram.

"Do you really have to go? Please for a few more days; it would be so boring without you" Suchitra was packing her stuff when she heard Arjun's voice. She turned around and saw the pandavas coming inside. She had given them permission to enter her room whenever they want. Yudhishthir was a little hesitant about it but the rest of the brothers somehow got him to agree and that 'how' shall remain unanswered.

"Yudhishthir, please tell your brother for the Nth time that yes my return is important as I am tired of telling him that again and again" Suchitra said with a chuckle. Her words made Arjun red in embarrassment while his brothers laughed.

"Guys don't worry! I am not going to vanish from this earth! I am going home and we can still write letters to each other" Suchitra said and the pandavas nodded halfheartedly. Suchitra noticed their expression and sighed 'I didn't want to trouble dear mamashree today but I guess I have to'. "Hey! I want to prank mamashree one last time before going back, want to join?" she asked with a mischievous smile, the pandavas except Yudhishthir nodded "That is not a nice thing to do Suchitra how many times do I have to tell you that" Yudhishthir told her firmly "Oh but Yudhi bhai even you love my pranks and don't try to deny it! I know everything." Suchitra gave him a cheshire grin at which Yudhishthir chuckled but gave in at last.

They walked around the palace looking for Shakuni and finally found him sitting on a horse near the palace gate.

Arjun's pov:

When we found mamashree, Suchitra told us stay where we are. We were confused but decided to do what she said because not obliging to whatever she tells is a 'SIN' according to her and a 'sinner' must be punished.

She very quietly and swiftly went towards the place where mamashree's horse was; "I think we should stop her the whole family is present there she might get in trouble" said a concerned jyeshth. "Jyeshth you underestimate that girl! Don't worry about her and enjoy the show she knows what she is doing" I said and it was completely true I have full faith in that girl I am sure she knows what she is doing.

Suchitra stood just behind the horse. Pitamah and kakashree Vidhur saw her and she signaled them to stay quiet. She rubbed her hands, took a step back and SMACKK!!! echoed all around. She hit the horse so hard that it was startled and started running with a bewildered mamashree on its back while Suchitra, pitamah and kakashree Vidhur stood there laughing "SUCHITRAAAAAAAA" screamed mamashree trying to control the horse.

All of us stood there completely shocked "Did she just do that?!" exclaimed bhrata Bheem "Seems like it" said a laughing Sahadev who held on to a laughing Nakul for support. "Pitamah and kakashree are laughing" mumbled jyeshth absentmindedly while he stared at the spot where Suchitra stood a few moments ago. Even I am shocked at what she just did, that too infront of two elders who were laughing like children due to what she did. This is confusing.

"Sooooo did you like my prank?" asked Suchitra who just came back to us "Oh yes we definitely did" said Nakul causing her to laugh. She then started skipping ahead of us towards her room.

'This girl is really something else' I thought to myself with a smile on my face as I looked at her. This girl was something else and I liked that.

Author's note:

Hey guyzzz!!
How are you all? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! In the next ch Suchi will be back home!! And honestly I am excited to write about it. See you in the next chapter 😊❤️

 See you in the next chapter 😊❤️

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