Chapter 7

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Suchitra pov:

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Suchitra pov:

I stirred hearing someone calling me, slowly I sat up on the bed saw a dasi standing infront of me "What happened?" I asked her rubbing my eyes "Forgive me for waking you up Rajkumari but pandava rajkumars have been standing outside for some minutes asking for permission to enter the room" she told me and as I heard those words I sprang up from the bed and ran towards the vanity. I combed my hair in a matter of seconds and told the dasi to let them enter.

And then I saw the five young and handsome princes enter my room. They saw me and walked towards me smiling and I smiled back embarrassed that they had to stand outside because of me."Pranipaat" I greeted "Pranipaat Suchitra" they greeted back "Come sit down and eat something or would you like to take a walk in the garden?" I asked them "I think we should sit and eat" Bheem replied quickly which made the rest of us chuckle.

I called a dasi and told her to bring some ladoos for us. "I am so sorry if you had stand outside for too long I was sleeping and didn't realise it was evening already " I sheepishly said "It was no problem Suchitra we weren't there for too long " Arjun said and I let out sigh of relief.

"By the way you didn't have to threaten Duryodhan to save us from him in the morning" Sehdev said making the rest of them turn to look at me with a confused expression while I stared at Sehdev with wide eyes "Y-You heard that!!!!" I stuttered due to embarrassment; I thought none of them heard what I said to Duryodhan "Of course I heard you so tell what did you mean by it" he replied laughing and then all of them turned to look at me again, this time with curiosity 'Hey bhagwan!!! maine apne aap ko itna embarrass kaliyug me nhi kiya jitna aaj in pandavon ke saamne kr liya' (Oh God! I never embarrassed myself this much even in in kaliyug like I have done in front of the pandavas) I thought to myself.

"Oh its just that I like to dress them up in sarees. Its fun to trouble them ones in a while" I said and winked at them. I saw pink hue on their faces which confused me a bit. "Are you guys alright?" I asked them with concern. They looked at each other and cleared their throat "Yes we are fine" they said simultaneously which honestly creeped me out a bit.

Third person's pov:

The pandavas looked at each other and saw all of them had light pink cheecks; It annoyed them but at the same time made them wonder that why were they even blushing.

The dasi came back with ladoos as instructed by Suchitra and placed them infront of the kids. "Bheem would you like to start?" Asked Suchitra which caused Bheem to smile and looked at Yudhishthir for permission who chuckled and nodded his head.

After eating and talking about each other a bit more they decided to go for a walk. "Ladies first" Arjun said at which Suchitra chuckled and walked ahead of them.

They were wandering in the palace and reached the kitchen where Suchitra saw Duryodhan and Dushasan coming towards the kitchen from the opposite way. She got an idea and asked the pandavas to get inside the kitchen. She then grabbed a pot of water placed near the entrance kept it on top of the kitchen gate so that when someone opens the gate it falls on them. She then took the pandavas towards the other exit of the kitchen and asked them to stay there "why did you do that Suchitra?" Nakul asked her confused "Just wait my dear Nakul you will see why" Suchitra replied with a mischievous smile.

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