Chapter 20

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Third person's pov:

Suchitra rushed towards the sabha with the two princesses on her tail. She was really excited to meet her friends yes just friends after so long. "Aree jiji aaram se, bhaag nhi jaenge khi vo log" giggled Subhadra still wanting to tease Suchitra. The Shanyakumari ignored her completely and continued speed walking. When they finally reached the courtroom they saw the royal family and the ministers sitting and discussing some political matter which did not interest her at all. She looked around the large room to spot the Pandavas, and she did. She saw them
sitting next to Duryodhan and Dushasan. She was a little impressed because she was sure she would have thrown a heel on their heads if she was sitting there as she knew they must be doing their duty of being a pain in the ass.

She then saw Maharani Gandhari and Rajmata Kunti already sitting in the court. This surprised her a little, where did they come from? She was sure that she departed from their previous sitting room before any of them. Did they apparate or something? What in the wizarding world? She lookedat them dumbfounded completely forgetting that she was here because she missed the pandavas and wanted to meet them. She started solving the mysterious arrival of the older ladies as if she was Sherlock Holmes.........she gave up soon after.

Well....whatever she just shrugged away those thoughts and went to sit next to the queens and waited for the official meeting to get over so that she can go and greet the princes.

After what felt like eternity according to Suchitra, the meeting finally ended and the people apart from the royal family started to leave. When everyone had finally left giving the family alone time, Suchitra immediately got up and went towards the Pandavas. "Pranipaat everyone! How are you guys?! How do you feel about winning?! Congratulations Rajkumar Yudhishthir you are going to be the yuvraj!!" Suchitra rambled as she almost ran towards the brothers while they were standing there with a bright smile on their faces, looking at her adoringly.

"Dhanyawad Suchitra. We all are as happy as you seem to be and I guess I don't need to ask you how you are doing because by looking at you I can already make out you are in a great form" Yudhishthir said with a slight teasingly tone making her pout which in turn caused all the brothers to smile wider and chuckle at her behaviour. "Hey! Don't make fun of me! I am just happy to have you back here, it was boring without all the princes present" Suchitra said with a cheeky smile "Are you saying you missed us Princess Suchitra?" Nakul asked with a cocky smirk. Everyone seemed to be in a playful mood so Suchitra decided to keep the spirits up "Well I surely missed all your brothers Rajkumar Nakul but about you.....I am not sure" she fake grimaced while speaking to add more impact over her words.

Nakul gasped while his brothers laughed at him "Well you certainly are very witty aren't you Suchitra?" He said chuckling at her words himself "I sure am" she replied with a grin. "Now now! If you are done talking go and eat something, you can continue this banter afterwards" a new voice joined the group of five and that voice was non other than Pitamah's. All the youngsters joined their hands and greeted him with respect, he blessed them and ushered them to go and eat again to which all of them agreed and left the courtroom.

"What are you guys planning to do after having lunch? Anything specific?" Suchitra questioned before all of them were about to part ways "Well I'll just be in the library reading and bhrata Bheem, bhrata Arjun and bhrata Yudhishthir said they were going to go to the training grounds to practice" Sahadev answered for everone "I don't know about Nakul though" "Well I will be in the stables with my horses" Nakul said in a dramatic and sophisticated tone "It's been a while I visited them"

Suchitra's form lit up at his statement, she smiled up at him and said with a twinkle in her eyes "Nakul, can I accompany you please? I love horses!" "Really? You want to come with me to see them?" Nakul asked confused with a little uncertainty in his voice, no one had ever willingly wanted to go to the stables with him apart from his brothers. "Yes please! can I?" she asked hopefully looking at him with puppy eyes "O-Of course you can! Meet me outside in the gardens after some time" Nakul replied with a light blush on his cheeks which was not very visible but Sahadev saw it and raised his brows towards him. He was ignored.

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