Chapter 2

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Suchitra's pov: I was shocked when I saw that my 12 year old self is staring at me through the mirror

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Suchitra's pov:
I was shocked when I saw that my 12 year old self is staring at me through the mirror. How is this even possible?! "Anything is possible if you are destined to do it sakhi" Kanha said. Oh I forgot that he was here too for a second. " So you really are Kanha...huhhhhh" I said and he sighed deeply looking done with my shi- I mean my behaviour " Yes sakhi I AM Kanha, your Kanha , your sakha" and at that very moment my eyes teared up; he was there in front of me my sakha, my best friend.

I fell in his feet and sobbed. Oh! my past self must have excellent deeds that I got a chance to be near the feet of my lord. Kanha then gently held me and made me stand "A friend's place is not on the feet but in the arms sakhi, never do that again do you get it?" he said in soft voice. I nodded but then suddenly as if I just became aware of my surroundings I asked "But Prabhu why am I here? You said something about destiny but how can a Kaliyugi's destiny be in the Dwaparayug?" He just chuckled and shook his head "All will be revealed with time sakhi and don't call me Prabhu call me sakha" "Noooo till the you don't tell me why am I here I won't" "Sakhi try to understand..I can't" I sighed "Atleast tell me if I will go back or not...Kanha I have a life back in Kaliyug;My parents, my friends, my fans everyone will panick if they find out I have vanished in thin air!" "I know sakhi...but it won't happen because after your destiny here is fulfilled you will go back to the same day when you arrived here" I somewhat relieved hearing those words but deep down there was a feeling of dread as if when I leave I will be leaving someone important behind.

" Now now don't stress that little brain of yours and come with me, we should go out now or your parents will think that we both hit our heads somewhere this time" He said laughing. "So those people are going to be my parents in this yug..." "Yes you catch on pretty quickly don't you" he said in what I feel a sarcastic tone. We left the room as we walked I looked at the castle. It was much better than what one sees in movies; the carvings were intricate, there were beautiful paintings all over the walls and to my surprise most of the paintings were mine! I decided not to question it as in the room it seemed they loved me alot. "Hey prabhu!!" He stopped abruptly and looked at me with an agitated and confused look"I told you not call me that and what happened?" "You are here right now that means Vrindavan is nearby right?" "Yes" he said in a confused tone; I then started smiling like an idiot.

Krishna's pov:

"Then I want to meet Radha Rani now" I looked at her with a dumbfounded expression; is she for real saying this right now?! and to think I was casual about handling her and thought that Kaliyugis were easy to handle.....
"What are you thinking about let's go meet her!!" she exclaimed "We are going to show your parents that you are fine and then I will think about taking you to my Radha" "No I will only go to my parents if you will take me Radha Rani afterwards" how can someone be so stubborn!! I have no problem in taking her to Radha I would love to see my sakhi's reaction on meeting my priye but right now we need to go to her parents.! "Okay fine I will take you to her but lets go to the sabha first" "Okayy" she said and skipped in front of me. I laughed lightly. She is such a cheerful person and I hate what destiny has for her in the future but it has to be done for the establishment of dharma Oh! Suchitra you don't know how big your role is going to be....

Author's note:
Hey guyzzz!!
So here is the second chapter I was thinking of publishing it tomorrow after my exam but I was not in the mood of studying right now so I thought why not publish it now! I hope you liked it and Pleaseeee vote and comment it will motivate me to write more. And by the way guyz thank u for over 170 views and 18 votes!!! It has not evenbeen a day since I started a story and we already have sooo many views once again a big Thank u to all of u!

 And by the way guyz thank u for over 170 views and 18 votes!!! It has not evenbeen a day since I started a story and we already have sooo many views once again a big Thank u to all of u!😊❤️❤️

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