Chapter 10

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It has been 12 years since Suchitra magically appeared in the dwaparayug. Suchitra was now all grown up. She had learned a lot of things about the ancient customs, she studied the vedas which she was very proud of. She learned how to use swords and also learned archery.

It took Suchitra a couple of years to get accustomed with the things in this era. But now, she actually felt as if she truly belonged here.

She spent lots of time in Vrindavan with her sakhis and Yashoda maiya. She also came to love the presence of her brothers which bothered her in the start. The only thing she was sad about was not being able meet her sakha Kanha in person. She knew about his responsibilities and hence didn't bother him to come to her place but they still exchanged letters with each other expressing how they missed the others.

Now, Hastinapur. Suchitra didn't go to Hastinapur after her first visit. Though, she continuously sent letters to the royal family in these years. After she returned from Hastinapur, the first letter she got from the Pandavas was also their last letter to her telling her all the things that happened- how Duryodhan tried to kill Bheem and that they have to go to gurukul for 12 years. She knew all these things were going to happen but she could do nothing.

Suchitra's pov:

I was in the training field practising archery when a dasi came " Pranipaat Rajkumari Suchitra! A letter from Dwarkadish has come for you" as she said that I immediately got off the field and took the scroll from her.

I went through the whole letter, it just had the normal stuff asking me how I was, how are the others. But then at the end he wrote

"Do not play with things that are destined to happen"

Did he mean that I should not try to change the things which are to happen to the main characters? I am sure he meant that. I was hesitant; I was planning to change Draupadi's fate if I got the chance but now he just tells me not to out of the blue! I sighed 'He knows what should be done so I should probably listen him' I thought.

I decided to go to my room since I had already practiced more than usual and was really tired. After reaching my room I was told that my bath is ready. I had asked a dasi to prepare my bath since after training I get really sweaty and smell bad.

After I came out of my long, relaxing bath I changed into my sleeping clothes and went to bed to take a nap. I was really tired because of the practice hence, it didn't take a long time to fall asleep.

Kaamini's pov(Suchitra's mother):

I was sitting in my room when a dasi came to inform something to me, I nodded as a signal to continue "Maharani ji! Maharaja asks for your presence in the private sabha along with Rajkumari Suchitra; both the Rajkumars, their wives, mahamantri and senapati are already present there with him he says he wants to discuss something important" She told me I nodded and dismissed her.

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