Chapter 17

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

The next few days passed by in a blur. All the princes were busy with the battle preparations and thus, Suchitra couldn't talk to the Pandavas for more than a few minutes or sometimes they just exchanged greetings and she didn't like it. She also didn't have any encounter with Angraaj Karna after their fight and she found it weird since he was practically living in the palace and could always be seen with Duryodhan but whenever she was around Duryodhan he was nowhere to be found.

Today the princes were going to leave for Panchal hence, the palace was buzzing with people coming in and going out, it was busier than usual. The workers were walking around here and there with the belongings of the princes, the chariots and horses were being readied for the journey and the soldiers were readying themselves and were being armed with different kinds of weapons and armours.

A thought of visiting the Pandavas before they left crossed Suchitra's mind, she immediately perked up and smiled as she fast walked towards the chamber of maata Kunti where the Pandavas will be present. When she reached her destination she saw the five Kuntiputras standing there talking to their mother and taking her blessings. "May I be permitted to enter the room? I hope I am not disturbing" Suchitra said with soft smile on her face.

Everyone turned towards her and smiled happily "Putri! Come come, you don't need to ask for permission" Kunti happily said, Suchitra was in a mischievous mood so she side eyed Yudhishthir and smirked "Actually maata, I do need to take permission someone scolded me for entering their room without their knowledge" She said with a pout to look innocent, after hearing her words Yudhishthir cringed inwardly while his brothers quietly snickered. "Who said that putri? Tell me their name and I shall give them a good lecture" Maata said with a confused frown to which Suchitra laughed and dismissed it "No need to do that maatashree it's alright and anyways I was here to meet the Panduputras before they leave" she said with a smile and moved forward infront of the five brothers who looked down at her with soft eyes and smile gracing their lips "Rajkumaron I wish you all the luck and hope that you win this competition against your cousins. It would be fun to see the look of lose on Bhrata Duryodhan's face" she said the latter part with an evil grin which startled and amused the elders in the room.

Bheem laughed loudly and patted her head "This is why you are my favourite Rajkumari" He said with a proud grin making Suchitra smile giddily like a child being praised. Maata Kunti shook her head with serene smile as she looked at her sons and Rajkumari of Shanya talking happily among themselves. 'I pray to you O Narayan! Please don't let these smiles fade away, keep them happy and united' She thought. Then a dasi entered the room and bowed "Pranipaat Rajmaata, Rajkumaron aur Rajmumari" she bowed "It is time for the Kururajumaars to depart" she informed and left.

The Pandavas turned to their mother and touched her feet "Ayushmaanbhav mere putron. Come back victorious" The brothers smiled at her and and turned to Suchitra, who was standing behind Maata Kunti, not wanting to disturb them, they joined their hands and she did the same and wished them best of luck once again "May you all come back as winners" she smiled.

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