Chapter 22

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"Hi" - something spoken in english or hindi (Since the characters communicate in sanskrit the normal text will be sanskrit)

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"Hi" - something spoken in english or hindi (Since the characters communicate in sanskrit the normal text will be sanskrit)

Third Person's pov:

In life's special story, some people you find in the journey become a family. Not because of any relations of blood, but because of the special bond that your heart forms with them. These are the people who stand by you through thick and thin, making the journey of life a little brighter and warmer.

And our dear Suchitra was able to form this bond and feel this care and love while staying with the royal family of Hastinapur. Even the Kauravas and mamashree! Yes, she likes to cause trouble and irritate them but she did attach herself with them unknowingly, with the strings of relationships.

Now that it was time for her to leave, a sense of disquiet enveloped the entire castle. A letter had arrived from the Dwarka family which stated that she was invited to visit Dwarka with Subhadra who was to leave today. Suchitra, obviously was elated on the thought of meeting Dau and Kanha and agreed in an instant.

So, here we are with Subhadra and Suchitra who are packing up their things with the help of the dasis. The whole toom was a mess with clothes scattered all around the floor. Both the girls were laughing and giggling while throwing clothes and pillows at each other, the dasis who were helping them looked at the scene with amusement and shook their heads chuckling at their childishness.

The girls soon realised that this was not the right time to play so they put away the pillows and put their attention on packing again. That is when, a gatekeeper comes in informs both the princesses that Panduputra Arjun was there to see them. The girls give each other a mischievous look "Allow him to enter" Subhadra says with smile.

Suchitra on the other hand was quietly chuckling, she knew what was to come and couldn't wait to see it. It was one of the funniest scenes in the whole show of Mahabharat. As she brings herself together Arjun enters the room with a polite smile. He looks at Suchitra and smiles at her as a greeting, he was about to step forward when-

"Wait! Wait Rajkumar, look there are so many wet clothes on the floor. I have put them there so that they dry off quickly so please be careful and don't step on them" Subhadra says with an innocent face. Arjun falls for her tricks and carefully steps around.

"Yes yes good going Rajkumar! Aaram se! Step there! there! Yes yes, now that side!" Subhadra starts to mimick her first meet with him which he eventually realises and shakes his head with a smirk. "Really Rajkumari? You did all this just to make me dance on your commands" Arjun chuckles and looks at Subhadra with a gaze full of admiration and she giggles while staring back at him with the same expression. Suchitra looked at them to and fro with a knowing smile on her soft pink lips, but there was also this feeling that she could not pinpoint.

"Subhadra! Suchitra! Putriyon you are going to leave today so I decided to send Arjun with you because there has been news about Kalyavan being spotted in the route you will use" Mata Kunti explained the girls as soon as she entered the room. With worried eyes she looked at both the princesses "Or if you want you can just stay here for a few more days"

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