Chapter 13

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

It was now evening and the celebration was to begin. After the pandavas pacified Suchitra, all of them talked for a long time but they decided to leave her alone since they could see that she was tired.

After Suchitra was well rested, she got up and got ready. She word a light pink lehenga, peacocks were embroidered on the skirt with gold thread. She looked beautiful and like always her hair was clutched with one of her morpankh hairclip and had her sword tucked on her side. She made her way towards the garden where the feast was set up. As she walked, she saw a man limping. She grinned, she was looking forward to her reunion with her dearest mamashree, bhratashree Duryodhan and bhrata Dushasan.

She started skipping towards the man with a mischievous smile. When she was near him she jumped infront of him, startling him and exclaimed "Mamashree!! Pranipaat" meanwhile Shakuni stared at her horrified, he was hoping to not run into the devil's spawn. He started laughing "Kush raho meri bachi! Why did you remember me so suddenly?" (Be happy my child) "Mamashree I was very excited to meet you that's why I came here to talk" Suchitra said with grin while Shakuni just stood there with a nervous smile. "So mamashree how have you been? Did you miss me when I was gone? I am sure you must have missed the time we used to play dress up" Suchitra said in an overly sweet tone "Oh yes! I missed you very much meri bachi and I would love to talk yo you but right now I have to go" he said with the same tone as Suchitra's and then started walking away. Suchitra followed him "Aree mamashree can't you take some time out of your busy schedule for me pleaseeee" she was having too much fun teasing him. "Meri bachi!! I promise to talk to you afterwards but please let me go right now" Shakuni pleaded which made Suchitra retreat, she was shocked seeing him plead so she let him go.

Suchitra then went to the celebration. When she reached the first person she saw was her maata Kunti sitting and talking to her personal dasi, she decided to go and talk to her "Pranipaat maata" she greeted "Khush raho putri(be happy child) where were you? you are late" Kunti asked "Maata I met mamashree Shakuni on my way here so I stopped to talk to him" "Oh okay putri, you should go towards the musicians Dushala and my niece Subhadra are there" At Kunti's words Suchitra stopped 'Hey bhagwan!! what is happening?! How could I forget Subhadra is going to be here?' She mentally exclaimed "Okay maata I shall go and meet them" saying this she got up and went to the place where both the princesses were standing, listening and admiring the sweet sounds of the instruments.

She was about to go near them but then her eyes fell on Subhadra's face, and she was left standing as she admired the young princess. To say that Subhadra was beautiful would be an understatement, she was divine, ethereal and looked like a delicate flower and her face was so radiant that it seemed as if the whole area was lit up due to her presence. Suchitra was enchanted by the beauty of Subhadra. She would have kept staring if she wasn't brought back to the world when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned to see who it was and saw Arjun "Pranipaat rajkumari Suchitra, why are you standing here all alone?" he questioned formally "Pranipaat Rajkumar and don't worry about me I just zoned out for a bit" she assured the prince in the same tone he did, the prince nodded in return "Let's go then everyone is standing near the musicians" "Okay let's go" said Suchitra.

She turned away from him and both of them started walking. When she looked at Subhadra again, she saw her already staring at both them and realised that Subhadra liked Arjun already so she moved away from Arjun a little. They both reached near the others and greeted everyone. "Pranipaat Bhrata Arjun, jiji, this is my friend from kanyakul Yadavkumari Subhadra" "Pranipaat Kumar Arjun, Rajkumari Suchitra" "Pranipaat Subhadra" Arjun and Suchitra greeted her simultaneously and that made Suchitra mentally scream 'How could I speak in sync with him?! This is so creepy! These pandavas are rubbing their habits on me, nooo I have to be careful!'

"Rajkumari Suchitra, you don't know how happy I am that I finally get to meet you! Bhratashree Krishna and Balram dau told me so much about you, specially bhrata Krishna! he can never stop talking about you" Subhadra rambled. The pandavas were confused, Suchitra didn't tell them that she knew the Yadavas while Suchitra was laughing at Subhadra's excitement "First of all call me jiji Subhadra, my sakha's sister is my sister too" Subhadra's face lit up when she heard her words "Okay jiji!" She replied happily "Wait, so you know Vasudev Krishna?" asked Arjun with a weird tone which Suchitra could not decipher. "Yes I do know him and the letter I wrote earlier was for him" "Oh" said the pandavas together.

All of them continued to talk when Nakul, Bheem and Suchitra caught the Arjun and Subhadra glancing at each other. Suchitra felt her stomach twist, she did not know what feeling this was but she felt weird when she saw the exchange between Arjun and Subhadra 'What am I even thinking? I would have to see this all the time when they get married. I should get used to this' she thought. "You know, bhrata Arjun can play a harp very well, bhrata Arjun you should play something" "Yes bhratashree please play something, I am sure Subhadra and Suchitra jiji also want to hear you play" Dushala pleaded. After a little more pleading he agreed. When he started playing the harp Suchitra could hear nothing else, her eyes were fixed on Arjun as the melodious sound of the harp entered her ears. Meanwhile someone else present there looked at her just to see that she was mesmerised by Arjun, they felt a weird twinge in their heart but decided to brush it off and listen to the music.

When Arjun finished his performance, their was a smile on everyone's face. His eyes landed on Suchitra and she gave him an encouraging smile while her eyes twinkled and this made made Arjun relax and smile even more. Then he look at Subhadra and both of them stared at each other until the others started clapping. Everyone praised Arjun until loud claps could be heard, when the people present there turned around to see who it was, they weren't really surprised to see the Kauravas and Angraj Karn standing there.

"You played the harp very beautifully Arjun" Duryodhan mocked as he threw his necklace towards third pandava who stood there tolerating his embarrassment. "Mitra Karn do you play any instrument?" Duryodhan asked "Mitra, if it would have been someone else who asked this question I would considerd it an insult because for a true archer his bow is the only instrument" said Karn "Very rightly said mitra". They continued provoking Arjun while he just stood there trying to control himself.

A little while later Shakuni joined them and started insulting. When the kauravas were finally done they turned around to leave but Karn stopped as his eyes fell on Subhadra and Suchitra "Arjun would become dancer too if it was to entertain these girls" and that is when Arjun lost him temper and picked up his weapon. At the same time Maharaja Dhritarashtra decided to grace the others with his presence, along with him came Mahamantri Vidhur and Mahamahim Bhishma and when he heard what happened he lost his temper but Vidhur saved Arjun "Arjun's punishment shall be that he washes Angraj's feet with his own hands" and Suchitra understood very well that he didn't want his nephew to fave any harsher punishment that's why he gave him this task as it may embarrass him but is harmless.

Arjun then washed Karna's feet begrudgingly and asked for forgiveness. Maharaj Dhritarashtrat then declared that the feast is over and that he would be announcing the Yuvraj (crown prince) of Hastinapur the next day.

Author's note:
Heyy guyss!!
I hope you liked the chapter do comment which part you liked the most, we shall meet in the next chapter till then take care😊❤️

Author's note:Heyy guyss!!I hope you liked the chapter do comment which part you liked the most, we shall meet in the next chapter till then take care😊❤️

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