Chapter 11

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

Suchitra had finally reached Hastinapur after travelling for days. As she entered the city she was immediately hit by nostalgia. The city looked exactly like it was when she first came here. The market was busy, people could be seen bargaining with shopkeepers, children were running around, playing rag and giggling.

Watching these children Suchitra remembered how she would play with Kanha, Balram dau and Radhe when they were young. She remembered it clearly, how she and Radha would run away while Kanha and Dau would try and catch them, she chuckled thinking about it. But alas! they went away and it was never the same again.

As the chariot went deeper in the city people stopped whatever they were doing to get one look of the rajkumari who's praises are sung by the travellers. Suchitra is called vishva sundari even by the people who could barely catch a glance of her face, according to them one look at her, even her side profile could make a person fall in love with her. Her dark lustrous skin reminds them of the shiniest diamond in the whole Aryavart while her pitch black eyes remind people of the dark night of Amavasya.

As Suchitra looked around, saw many people bowing greetings were screamed. She returned the greetings with a beautiful smile on her face. 'It is just like the last time' She thought as she greeted and waved at the public.

The public was mesmerised by her beauty. One of the women present there even shouted "DIDN'T I TELL YOU 12 YEARS AGO THAT RAJKUMARI WOULD GROW UP TO BE A REALLY BEAUTIFUL LADY" she shouted so loudly that Suchitra heard over the noices. She laughed and shouted back "THANK YOU KAKISHREE I AM HONOURED THAT YOU THINK I AM BEAUTIFUL" whenthe woman heard Suchitra call her kaki and thanking her, she blessed her with utmost happiness. All this led Suchitra to be hit by memories of kaliyug. The shouts and greetings reminded her of the wild cheers of her fans back there, she missed them, she had always loved her fans and will continue to love each and every one of them even if she is 5000 years in the past, for her they are also a part of her family whom she loves dearly. She could never forget them even after spending years in a completely different yug.

The chariot stopped infront of the gates of the palace. Suchitra descended down and saw the royal family standing on the gate with big smiles on their faces. Maharani Gandhari held an aarti thali in her hands. Suchitra went ahead and stood infront of her then she bent down and touched her feet. "Pranipaat maata" she said with joint hands. "Khush rho putri" Gandhari replied with a big smile. Suchitra then went towards Maharaja Dhritarashtra "Pranipaat Maharaja" "Kalyan ho tumhara putri" he too replied with a smile and patted her head.

After greeting mahamantri she went towards Rajmaata Kunti "Pranipaat maata" she said with her hands joined "Khush raho putri. How are you? Did you not miss any of us enough for you to come and visit hmm?" Rajmaata said with a watery smile as she caressed Suchitra's cheek "It's not like that maata, infact I missed you all very much. I am sorry I couldn't visit, I was busy with studies" Suchitra said "It's completely alright Suchitra putri. We are happy that you could come for welcome of our princes" Mahamahim Bhishma said "Pranipaat pitamah and thank you very much for inviting me" Suchitra greeted Bhishma and he blessed her.

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