Chapter 9

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

It was mid afternoon and Suchitra was ready to leave. Each and every person of the royal family was out to say goodbye to her even kauravas and mamashree; as much as they denied the fact that her absence wouldn't bother them deep inside they knew it wasn't true and that they would miss her pranks even if they were directed towards them.

"Putri do write to us okay? Don't forget us after going back home" said Bhishma "Yes putri do visit us again! We would be delighted to have you back" said Maharaja Dhritarashtra "Aree aree maharaj I haven't even left yet and you already gave me an invitation to visit you again" Suchitra said chuckling which caused everyone else to laugh as well. "I will miss you all very much! I had lots of fun here with you all but I have to go back, please don't be sad okay? I promise to return someday. And Oh! wait maata Kunti you didn't promise me" She said "What promise putri?" asked maharani Gandhari.

Kunti chuckled "Jiji you see I asked Suchitra to tell me my nephews' notorious acts in Vrindavan and at that time she asked me to give them good scolding and twist their ears when I meet them and Suchitra I promise to this when I meet them okay?" "Yes maate"

After greeting everyone Suchitra sat on the chariot and urged the charioteer to start moving. She turned back and smiled at the pandavas who were looking at her disappearing figure sadly.

Suchitra pov:

I am finally back!! God! I hate travelling. It took us a few days to reach Shanya kingdom and those days have just caused boredom and back pain.

As I reached the gates of the palace I saw my parents and two young men standing there. I was confused when I saw the two men 'Who even are they?' I thought to myself. When I descended down the chariot I was immediately pulled in a big hug by the two men. " Our behena is back!! you know we were very shocked when we found out you agreed to go somewhere which is not Vrindavan" Said one of them while the other laughed.

"Okay okay that's enough! Sachit, Saatvik leave your sister now she must be tired from her journey" my mother said looking at each of them when she took their names 'okay so they are my brothers! and the older one is Sachit and younger one Saatvik got it' I mentally made a note of their names. They left me as soon as mother told them to but kept grumbling under their breath. I greeted my parents and then we went inside

"Putri go and rest for sometime then you can tell us all about your stay at Hastinapur" pitashree said "Okay pitashree" I replied and then went towards my room. I stopped at entrance to have good look at my room; it was nice to be back wven though I had only stayed here for a couple of days before going to Hastinapur I still made weird connection with room. I quickly changed into something more comfortable and remo all my jewellery.

Third person's pov:

She then jumped on her bed and laid there staring at the ceiling. She started thinking about what all has happened till now; how she had made a nice bond with most of the main characters of Mahabharat, how she troubled the Kauravas and mamashree. She was not sure why destiny chose her for whatever was to happen in this era.

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