Chapter 23

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Third Person's pov:

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Third Person's pov:

There stood the Almighty, Krishna, smiling as he stared down at the dumbfounded and slightly relieved look of Arjun and the glare of Suchitra. He watched as they both climbed there way up when suddenly he was tackled in a tight hug by Subhadra. "Bhratashree! I am so glad that you are here! I don't even want to think what could've happened if you didn't come here on time" Subhadra cried out in relief, Krishna chuckled and patted her back "My dear Subhadra, you shouldn't be worrying about these things! I will always be there to protect my friends, trust me when a person decides to put his faith in me, they will never have to worry about anything." He said with his serene but mischievous smile.

Finally, Suchitra and Arjun reached the place where the siblings stood. Suchitra rushed towards Krishna and hugged him "Sakha! I knew you would come!" Krishna chuckled and ruffled her hair at which she huffed and started fixing the wet, black strands "Of course I did. How could I not come when I heard my sakhi calling out for me? You are too important to be ignored Suchi" Kirshna's words made Suchitra smile widely. He then turned to Subhadra and playfully asked "And you my dear behena, why did you stay in Hastinapur for so long? It felt as if Hastinapur has become your in-laws house" Suchitra snickered as she watched Subhadra turning into a tomato which earned a light smack from Subhadra "Bhratashree! Jiji! Don't joke about such things" she said in a flustered tone.

Krishna caressed her head "You are the apple of my eyes Subhadra. The food tastes bland without you. Tell me, are you happy now?" The happy mood turned a little somber as Subhadra raised her concerns "How can I be bhratashree? Jiji was terrorized by Kalyavan, it was a traumatising sight" Suchitra's eyes soften as she held her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Krishna on the other hand rolled his eyes at the two woman "You do not need worry about it anymore. He cannot do any harm to either of you" Then he looked at Arjun who stood a few steps away "And besides, those who have Arjun as their protector, they need not worry at all" this brought a smile on both girls' faces as Arjun looked at Krishna with confusion.

Suddenly loud screams of Kalyavan could be heard "KRISHNA! KRISHNA!" all of them turned to the source as the girls took a few steps back. Arjun readied his bow and arrow as he aimed at Kalyavan "Neither my Sudarshan Chakra can kill him nor can your arrow Arjun" Krishna calmy said. "Then what do you reckon we can do Vasudev? We can't just stand here!" Arjun disagreed and shot his arrow which did nothing to the demon.

Kalyanvan started coming closer to them as Arjun tried to stop him with his arrows but all the effort was going to vain. "We will run!" Krishna giddily said, his pink lips adorned a mischievous smile. He took Suchitra's hand in his grasp and ran. His sudden action caught both, Arjun and Subhadra off guard as they decided to follow them.

Arjun's face held a weird expression, he felt an unexplainable emotion when he thought of Suchitra being with Krishna. But is was an 'on-off ' kind of feeling. He would feel it for a few seconds and then it would go away then come back again, something in him said not to worry and wanted to stay calm knowing that she is with Him but then his intrusive thoughts would enter the scene again, completely ruining the peace. "It seems your brother is very close to Suchitra" He decided to say, trying to get some information about their relationship from the Dwarkakumari.

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