Chapter 12

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Suchitra's pov:

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Suchitra's pov:

As the competition went on maata Kunti started becoming more and more sad. I could see it in her eyes that seeing her children lose was becoming unbearable. "KUMAR BHEEM IS THE NEXT PARTICIPANT" exclaimed Ashwathama. The crowd started cheering again as they looked forward to Bheem's entry with anticipation.

Then suddenly the earth started trembling, I held on my seat to keep myself steady and smiled. Bheem has entered the arena. "What is happening Kunti?" asked maata Gandhari "Jiji, my son Bheem has entered the arena" replied maata Kunti with a proud smile on her face. I looked at her with a smile on my face which she returned, excitement evident on her face.

The two started sparring, it was getting more aggressive as time passed. Bheem was easily beating Duryodhan while the latter was facing hardships and gaining many bruises. As much as I wanted to see the two fight, it was getting too much and even though I knew what would happen, it was still bothering me, I was little scared watching Bheem punching Duryodhan.

The fight went on for some time and then Bheem could be seen on top of Duryodhan punching his face. I sighed in relief it was going to end now and it did Dronacharya came in the battleground to stop Bheem and he was disqualified. Then just like his brothers Bheem came towards maata Kunti and greeted her. She blessed him with a smile on her face.

Now was the moment I had been waiting for, Arjun is going to enter the arena! "NEXT IS PANDAVKUMAR ARJUN" Ashwathama's voice echoed. Maata Kunti looked ecstatic, she had a look if longing on her face. I could make out by her eyes how happy she was to meet her sons.

Arjun walked through the entrance of the arena and the elephant structure on top of the entrance fell on him. Everyone got up from their seats, worried and scared. Even after knowing that this was going to happen I got up in a hurry, I knew that he was unharmed but I swear I felt my heart stop for a moment when the structure fell on him. Maata Kunti held on to my shoulder to keep herself steady, she had teared up thinking that her son was dead. Then suddenly an arrow passed us, it did not let maata's tear drop on the floor. I smiled to myself, this was one of my most favourite scenes of mahabharat.

When I looked back I saw Arjun standing in the middle of the blocks with his bow in his hands. Maata Kunti sighed in relief after seeing her son standing without any injuries. Arjun then raised his bow and realsed an arrow which multiplied and landed near each elders' feet. He then started walking towards the centre of the arena. Duryodhan ran towards him, trying to reach him so that he can attack. Arjun then started showering arrows towards Duryodhan which he dodged. This went on for sometime then Arjun shot an arrow which hit Duryodhan's leg making him freeze at his position.

Duryodhan was stuck, he tried to get his leg out of the ice but his attempts vent in vein. Arjun then shot another arrow which made Duryodhan's whole body freeze and his mace fell out of his hand, declaring Arjun the winner. The crowd started cheering wildly for Arjun while I wasn't able to sit straight, I was jumping up and down on my seat, maata Kunti saw this and started laughing.

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