Chapter 18

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

Few days have passed since all the Kuru princes left the palace, it was very quiet and boring without the cousins fighting. Suchitra was sitting absentmindedly in her room playing with flowers in the water tub that was in the middle of her chamber. She was swaying her hand in the cold water making goosebumps rise on her skin. She liked the feeling, she was reminded of the time in Kaliyuga when she would go swimming with her friends, they would go to riverbanks and lakes and she would sit on the bay swaying her hands in the water while the others would swim. She didn't know how to swim and she never wanted to learn even when her friends offered to teach her.

This memory led to the rise of many other memories and as a result her mind was full of the happy times she spent with her friends and family. She started feeling a tightening in her chest. She, for the first time after coming to Dwaparyug,was feeling homesick. She wanted to see her friends, she wanted to ring bells of random houses and then run away with them. She needed them. She didn't know why all these thoughts surfaced in her mind now, after spending more than twelve years here, maybe it is because of the fact that she was actually free as most of the time she was either busy with the Pandavas or Kauravas or even Shakuni and Karna or she was planning how to change the plot even after Kanha told her not to.

Whatever the reason might be she didn't care, for right now her mind is in Kaliyuga and heart is yearning the company of her platonic better halves. She closed her eyes and continued to remember those happy moments and those beautiful and genuine smiles. The memories made her smile softly, she was engrossed in them and wanted nothing more than to go back.

A thirteen year old little girl, who could easily be recognised as Suchitra, could be seen giggling and talking to her friends as she walked along with all her schoolmates towards a nearby ground for the practice of their Annual function. All the students were talking and shouting and just like them the teenager did too. She and her friends were walking at the end of the line, far away from the teachers who walked in the front, as they planned on doing some mischief.

"Krte hain yr! Maza aaega!! (Let's do it guys! it will be fun!)" said a boy who was one of Suchitra's close friends "I agree with Surya in this. It will be fun" agreed Suchitra. All of them continued to discuss if they should or they shouldn't do what they were about to but at the end it was decided that they will do it.

"Listen, as soon as we bang the door. Run." said Surya, as he and some of the other boys of the group started to make their way to one of the houses "One...two...three!!" The girls chanted and at the count all the boys banged the door together and started running. The group of girls and boys all ran together cackling like hyenas.

Once they were at a good distance from the house all of them decided to do it again. The boys went towards a house as the girls counted "One..two..three!!" The boys again banged the door but this time, instead of a loud sound the door opened. The teenagers stood there shocked for a moment "Aree bhago!! Aunty upar chat pr khadi hain!! (Run!! Aunty is standing upstairs on the terrace)" Suchi exclaimed as she saw a middle aged woman looking down at the group. As soon as the others heard her they started running like people who were being chased by a dog. After getting far away from the house, they noticed that even after this commotion no one had questioned them nor did any teacher decide to check what's happening. After a pregnant pause all of them started cackling again, holding onto one another for support as they walked.

End of flasback~~

Suchitra chuckled at her childhood memory. This one has to be one of her favourites with her friends, she sighed thinking about all the fun times she spent with her friends without any responsibility or tension. She lost connection with many of them after she became a singer and till this day she regrets it.

As Suchitra was lost in her thoughts someone entered her chamber. They wanted to drag her with them to do something fun but when they saw her zoning out a funny idea came in their minds.

They both positioned themselves on either side of Suchitra and cupped their mouth. "SUCHITRA JIJI!!" exclaimed Subhadra and Dusshala, startling Suchitra as she let out a screech. Both of them laughed as they looked at her frightened face.

Suchitra took a moment to digest who it was and when she saw Subhadra and Dusshala she huffed and twisted their ears slightly "Are you two children? Why did you scare me like that?" she asked in a snarky tone which made them laugh even more.

"We are sorry jiji, but you were lost in thoughts so we decided to prank you a little" said Dusshala as she finally calmed down "Yes jiji we are sorry but tell us what were you thinking about? Hmmm...Is it a man?" Subhadra asked playfully while wiggling her eyebrows and giving her a teasing smirk and in return she got a light smack on her head "Hey Narayan! Subhadra you are so childish!" huffed Suchitra which earned her a giggle from the two younger girls.

"Jiji let's put all of this aside, we were here to invite you to spend the day with us! You have been cooped up in you chamber since the princes left and have not spend time with us" said Dusshala as she started pulling Suchitra's hand and this action was soon copied by Subhadra. Suchitra chuckled "Ok ok, I was bored too so let's go and have a picnic!" she said and clapped her hands "Pic...nic? What's that jiji?" asked Subhadra, at her question Suchitra mentally slapped herself for letting the word slip "Hahaha! Oh nothing nothing I guess I am too bored" she nervously laughed and then started dragging the girls with her.

She kept on dismissing the girls' questions and told them to be patient and wait for her in the garden. The girls reluctantly agreed and went away. Suchitra then went towards the kitchen and gave the cooks a list of foods which she wanted. After getting what she wanted she took a basket and filled it with flowers and also took a blanket with her. She then made her way towards the garden and started preparing for the picnic as the younger girls watched with curiosity.

After a while when everything was set up, she ushered the girls to come and sit with her on the blanket "Come girls, we should sit here and spend the evening together!" is what she said as all of them got comfortable and started having fun.

Author's note: Hiiiii guyssss!! Long time no seeee!! *chuckling nervously* I am so sorry for leaving you all like that

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Author's note:
Hiiiii guyssss!! Long time no seeee!! *chuckling nervously* I am so sorry for leaving you all like that. I was procrastinating a lot and I was busy with schoolwork too and I being a part of the school student council had a few things in my hand. This was a filler chapter but I promise that we'll do something much more interesting in the next chapters. Guys I also wanted to say that please please please do comment and make it fun for me and others, I love reading your reactions and even constructive criticism so please do comment and vote as it keeps me motivated. I hope you all liked the chapter. Until next time, bye bye! take care😊❤️

Oh and I found this! Does this give Suchitra, Subhadra and Dusshala vibes? hehe (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

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Oh and I found this! Does this give Suchitra, Subhadra and Dusshala vibes? hehe (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

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